Unseen // An Average Day in Florida

1 year ago

Featuring the voices of Platinum Okami, Gotmittens, GrimMedia, TEA-CAP, Jakethesurgen and Sir Baller

Platinum Okami



Jake The Surgen

Sir Baller



Tower of Ruin
AltF4 Soundtrack
Slender: The Arrival Soundtrack
Samantha's Lullaby (Magic Mix)
Miri Nikki Soundtrack


Time Stamps

0:00:00 - Intro
0:03:37 - My Glasses and Gator Galore
0:19:35 - The Daring Escape
0:33:32 - The Freezie Machine Plot Point
0:40:17 - Customer Service Tales
0:43:22 - Emily Gives Up Cuz This is Hard
0:49:19 - Climax
0:55:54 - Happily Ever After
0:56:40 - Closing Thoughts
1:01:50 - A Taste of Things to Come


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