Tucker Carlson on X | Ep. #28 Chris Moritz "Transgender Inc, a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry"

1 year ago

Tucker Carlson interviews Chris Moritz, who has done a thorough investigation into the Transgender movement we are facing in this Country. As of 2022, there are 1.6 million Trans adults above 13 years of age. Genital mutilation is not just a fad, it’s a full-blown industry. How did something this demented happen so quickly? Gender Dysphoria was once considered a mental illness. Today it is supported with powerful drugs and very expensive surgeries. Testosterone, Estrogen and Puberty Blockers have not been approved by the FDA for gender transitioning. These powerful drugs are being prescribed off-label. Is this all motivated by money? Could it be, there is an effort by the powers that be, to curve reproduction? Castrate yourself and face a lifetime of zero sexual function! Will the suicide rate skyrocket post surgery? Chris Moritz is an expert on this subject. Let's hear the statistics.

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