Borderline Childhood SA Will Healing That Mean BPD Recovery?

1 year ago

Borderline Childhood SA Will Healing That Mean BPD Recovery?

Partners and Ex's of people with BPD want to know this. BPD along with childhood SA very negatively impacts relationships from intense and/or then disappearing physical relations often without any real intimacy to communication and so much more.

Many with Borderline Personality Disorder have been S abused in their childhoods. A commenter asked a question about this and wanted to know if exposing the abuser, getting justice, if one heals the SA mean they would also be recovered from BPD. Childhood SA in anyone's history, whether BPD or not is not predicated on getting justice and this quest or BPD right-fighting for justice can become an obstacle to many going to therapy and/or having success in that process. - Sessions - Contact - Blog - Online Store - Ebooks & more - Podcasts & Blog

#BPDSAImpactsRelationship #ajmahari #CodependentsandBorderlines

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