Unsolved Mysteries Part 1

1 year ago

Unsolved Mysteries
There are many unsolved mysteries in life even though science, technology, and research have come a very long way. Many people want a logical explanation for these mysterious place or incidents.
Sadly, as of now, we will have to settle with mere speculations.

The Bermuda
Known as the Bermuda Triangle, this legendary expanse of ocean can be found between the points of Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico.
Pilots often tell of their instruments going haywire and numerous ships have been lost at sea. With explanations ranging from gas bubbles to aliens, no one is sure what is behind the strange phenomena.

Voynich Manuscript
"Voynich Manuscript,” the world’s most mysterious book. Written in an unknown script by an unknown author, the manuscript has no clearer purpose now than when it was rediscovered in 1912 by rare books dealer Wilfrid Voynich. The manuscript appears and disappears throughout history, from the library of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II to a secret sale of books in 1903 by the Society of Jesus in Rome. The book’s language has eluded decipherment, and its elaborate illustrations remain as baffling as they are beautiful.
Taos Hum
The Taos Hum is a low-frequency sound described as a persistent, low-pitched rumbling or humming noise. It is commonly reported in Taos, New Mexico, but it has also been reported in other parts of the world. Despite decades of investigation, no single cause for the Taos Hum has been identified. While some may experience the Hum as an annoyance or disturbance, others have described it as a source of comfort or spiritual experience

Dancing Plaque 1518
The Dancing Plague of 1518, or Dance Epidemic of 1518, was a case of dancing mania that occurred in Strasbourg, Alsace, in the Holy Roman Empire from July 1518 to September 1518. Somewhere between 50 and 400 people took to dancing for weeks.

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