Drilling and Reserves Are Down Equals Prices up? - Mineral Royalties #oilprices #oilandgas #oil

11 months ago

There has been a lot of news recently, in the world of oil. The following headlines are linked below…

Oil, Gas Drilling Dips To February 2022 Low As Oil Prices Hover Near 2023 Highs

Oil prices are surging again, but this time Biden has way less ammunition to bring them down


Opec chief warns on 'dangerous' lack of oil investment
This could lift prices above $100 before year-end. That could make for a nice Christmas bonus, don’t you think?

Today we read that OPEC+ Leaves Oil Production Levels Unchanged.

Oil: 'Demand destruction has begun', say JPMorgan analysts

What does all this mean?
Well, if you have a crystal ball and can see into the future, let me know.

If you would like to learn how to receive a royalty check in an up and down market, feel free to give us a call. We have a lot more Insite to share. Thank you!

Visit our website. https://mineralroyaltiesgroup.com/
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