Inside a tornado??? YIKES!

11 months ago

They are lucky to have survived. I have my own tornado story. I drove UNDER one right before it touched down. I was in a '71 Buick with wing windows. The pressure was SO low it felt like I was being CRUSHED! Drove into a black wall of rain, lightning bolts coming down on both sides of the car. Doing 10 mph, too afraid to stop, felt the car being picked up and put down, but clutched the wheel and kept it straight. Wing windows were open so I could TRY to see. When I was finally able to see, I could see small trees bending over and touching the ground. Came up to stop sign, did NOT stop and went through and drove into sunlight! I stopped the car in the middle of the road, got out and looked back at the black wall of rain I had just drove out of, and when I got home, the tornado was on the news. Someone standing at the intersection just one MINUTE after I had driven through that town, was recording it. I had already passed a small tornado touching down in a tiny town, but this was a HUGE one behind it! I survived, but had to change my pants when I got home. HA. Not a joke. Happened back in 2000.

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