3 Strategies to Prevent Cancer as we Age ft. Dr Carol Lourie | Strong By Design Ep 309

1 year ago

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Dr. Carol Lourie has helped thousands of women around the world recover their health and enjoy life again. Her superpower is figuring out exactly where people need to start to peel back the layers of complex health conditions so they can fix them together, step by step. 

Carol is a Naturopath, Acupuncturist, and Homeopath with over 35 years of clinical experience. She specializes in complex chronic diseases such as infertility for “older” women, breast cancer recovery, autoimmune disorders, and Parkinson's disease. 

And she takes a holistic approach in her work and believes there is no such thing as “unexplained” illness. We welcome Dr. Carol back to the Strong By Design podcast as today we cover the strategies to prevent cancer as we age.

On today’s podcast we will address the following questions:

Why is cancer more common as people age?
What causes cancer?
Why is such a big deal made about weight and sugar with cancer?
What are the top 3 things people can do now to reduce their risk for cancer?
What tests are important to speak with your doctor about.

“You’re so busy that you just keep going along that you are not paying attention to the knocks on the door.” - Dr. Carol Lourie

🎧 Listen to the FULL Episode on your favorite Podcast Platform:
iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/3-strategies-to-prevent-cancer-as-we-age-ft-dr-carol-lourie/id1383270948?i=1000630160630
SMARTLINK - https://link.chtbl.com/sbdep309

Time Stamps
00:54 - Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast
1:52- Get to know today's special guest, Dr. Carol Laurie
8:23 - Dr. Carol exposes the truth about Cancer and its risk factors
16:33 - One step at a time: Transforming bad habits into good
21:09 - The healing spectrum: Where do you fall on the bell curve?
23:18 - Dr. Carol on why cancer is becoming more common as we age
27:24 - Fueling cancer: How the 'Warburg' effect gives cancer cells an edge
34:14 - The trio of health concerns: Obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases explained
38:49 - Empowerment through knowledge: The importance of educating yourself about cancer
40:29 - Dr. Carol shares her top 3 lists to reduce the risk of cancer
48:53 - Discover the key medical tests for monitoring your health
51:34 - Where you can go to connect with Dr. Carol Laurie

CarolLourie.com - https://carollourie.com/

Connect w/ Dr. Carol:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carollourieintegrativehealth?_rdc=1&_rdr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carollouriehealth/

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