NRM How I Pack Minimally For A Week in Scotland

1 year ago

Everyone packs differently based on what they need (and sometimes what they don't). For me, I try to pack as small and lightweight as possible. And even after getting things down to a manageable start, I found over time that I could do much better with one simple fix!

Find me everywhere I am on the Internet here:

Various things mentioned in this video (they are NOT affiliate links. I make no money from you checking them out).

The Haukland 7-in-1 Photographer's Rain Jacket -

Hexad Carry All Duffel Backpack from Wandrd (the bag I'm taking) -

Rogue 9L Sling from Wandrd -

Hexad Access Duffel Backpack (the bag I almost took) -

Wandrd Packing Cubes -

I started this channel in order to document life as it gets lived. It's about where I live, how I live, where I travel, why I travel, and so much more. Eclectic is a good word for the content to be found here. I hope you will come along for the ride!

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