10x15cm double Side PCB Copper Clad Laminate Board Fr4 for DIY 1.6mm thick

1 year ago

Panel size: Approx. 150 x 100mm or 5.90 x 3.93 inch
Thickness: 0.06" ±0.005 (1.6mm ± 0.16)
Weight: Approx. 38g each
Layers: double Side
Panel: FR4
Operating temperature: Up to 140 °C or 285°F
This double sided PCB Copper Clad Laminate Board is made of copper foil by the hot-pressing technology.
Super-fine steel-wool, Restore4, Tarn-X, roscherite, Zap or similar before using.
After that be sure to rinse and dry so without any water spots.
Combined resin with reinforced material.
As basic material of PCB production.
Package included:
1 x double Sided Copper Clad Laminate

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