Check Out The Hilarious Moment When Parrot Recognizes Himself In Camera Phone

7 years ago

Ever since cell phone manufacturers started making front facing cameras a regular part of their products, people have been divided in accepting them. While some hate the gadget with every ounce of their being, thinking it makes them look broader and uglier than normal, others revel in the existence of a camera where you can actually see how you pose, so that you catch the best possible selfie ever!

This is the first time George the African Grey Parrot sees himself in a camera phone on selfie mode. As soon as his owner asks him who is in the video, he comes over to look and then laughs when he sees himself. He then proceeds to test the camera by barking at it and trying out other words and phrases he likes to see if in fact it is him. He even plays peekaboo with the camera!

When he finally comes to the conclusion that this is in fact him, he says,"Oh, it's George!" Then he starts sending even more kisses and asking for them in return, because, hey, that is one handsome Grey Parrot. What a character!

Another probably very distant cousin of George is the famous Einstein. That Grey Parrot is world famous for his antics in front of the camera and as a real star, he just can’t get enough of watching himself in the mirror. The moment he recognizes his face, he starts kissing the reflection, before adoringly waving good bye.

Hope these two cracked you up as much as they did us.

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