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Still Trust The Government ? You KNOW to VOTE NO
<3 PLEASE CLICK "See More" -- #1 WRITE NO !! do NOT use ticks and crosses. WRITE NO in BLACK BIRO PEN = #Vote No to Racism and Division
#2 SKY NEWS 👎 Hidden Voice 👿 Agenda ☠️
#3. #WriteNO in black BIRO PEN - Don't let the media tell you ( Especially after that covid nonsense) that the Blacks want this. The REAL Indigenous KNOW what it is really about
#4 They Tried it before in 1984 !!! WE SAID NO -
#5 👿 The Globalist ☠️ Agenda 👎
#6 . ALBO Lying and changing story in almost the same sentence..
#7 UNITE AUSTRALIA- WRITE NO - VOTE NO to Racism and Division
#8 #MakeHerFamous - TYPICAL yes braindead voter - This is a "PROFESSOR" ( i think its female ) I HOPE she gets charged with ASSAULT !!! These are the SHEEPLE pushing the Government Agenda. Classy
Common Assaults & the Spits ( which is also Assault ) THEN " Tries" to play the victim by what ?? Calling the Cops on Herself Braindead !!
This is Emeritus Professor Denise Ferris, Australian National University, a YES campaigner. Her finest moment, a momentous moment, history making moment
**!!* List of Companies based in Australia yet foreign owned promoting the YES campaign and pouring millions into it. 😳😳😳
No wonder there are so many OLD WHITE Racists being tricked . to support the Govt AGENDA.. SAD !!
10 Reasons to #VoteNO
They "TRIED" it before in 1984 WE VOTED NO !!!
#1 "the voice" is legally risky. High Court would determine its own powers. It risks legal challenges.
#2 There are NO DETAILS and no-one can see even what's in it until two weeks before the NO vote wins. The Govt wont even provide KEY DETAILS to other govt officials until AFTER the Referendum
#3 - It divides us - A constitutional body for one mob means permanently diving Australians. They will be able to come and kick anyone off their land or make them pay - and the money wont go to the ones out in the indigenous communities that really need it. It is a Trick !!! don't fall for it.. Vote No
#4 It will NOT help the indigenous Australians - More bureaucracy is NOT the answer. A rich white bunch of people start up "Indigenous" foundations / corporations / charities / consulting firms ( wink wink) where you think that money is going . ?? VOTE NO
#5 No issue us beyond its scope. The "voice" is just that. THEY ALREADY HAVE A VOICE && a VOICE that they already have by many Indigenous Parliament members already.
WHY are we voting on what they already have "CAUSE IT'S A TRICK
They want to change OUR constitution - under the BS reason that we need to listen to the traditional land owners
You realllllly think a bunch of RICH WHITE MEN really want that ?? unless there's something going on with the man behind the curtain . VOTE NO !
The UN and Dodgy WHO could call another fake PLANdemic and if we change our SOVEREIGNTY we are FUCT
#6 It risks Delays and dysfunction - Risk of legal appeals and delays means- billions spent on nothing and risk of dysfunctional govt
#7 It opens the door for activists - the bad ones - demanding all Indigenous get their land back - your house - your beaches and demand reparations and compensation. $$$ They already get huge help through the welfare system.. more than any other peoples. $$$
#8 It will cost this country everything. Our freedoms our right to travel across a border in to another area they will now control and block off. The National Indigenous Australian's Agency ( with close to 2000 staff already ) gets $4.3 BBBBBILLION in funding !
#9 The voice will be permanent. If you DON'T KNOW /#VoteNO -
When has the Australian Government EVER change the rules to better suit the people really without some dodgy - reallly bad AGENDA hiding behind what they were doing..
THE FACT they are hiding what's in . should have alarm bells going off in your head
and all these horrible GOVT ads with WHITE celebs and sell out fake black ones. It's a TRICK.
WHY is the government pushing this AGENDA so hard.. you gotta ask yourself. already spending 100 million to promote their dodgy next move. VOTE NO !!!
Once it's in the Constitution is will NOt be undone !!
#10 There are better ways forward - Constitutional Recognition can be achieved without tying it to a Risky, dodgy, unknown and PERMANENT "Voice"
They already have a voice.. we shouldnt have to vote on this.. this is nothing more than a Govt trick to SELL US OUT FULLY ... to the United Nations and the World Health Organisation ... you know the ones that locked most of you in your homes for the last two years and had the world living in fear over a 99.99 % survivable common cold - Look at all the new dodgy stuff and fake "Requirements" NOT LAWS that all the sheeple blindly followed.
We are DOOMED if those same sheeple don't get what this NO vote is really about.
Don't let the polls Fool you Again. Australia votes no against the dodgy hidden agenda behind this already given "voice" ( Remember "they" DO NOT HAVE TO Listen to that voice )
If you dont know VOTE NO !
if you DO know... you will also be voting NO !
❌ VOTE NO 🚫 or we lose PRIVATE OWNERSHIP - Your bought land - houses - FARMS - beaches - car - business premises - pubs - clubs - ROADS !
❌ VOTE NO 🚫 or our already corrupt and BROKE Govt will spend Billions of OUR hard earned Tax Dollars on "reparations"
Changing our constitution is NOT about a VOICE which the ALREADY HAVE - it's about the Tricking you that's the reason and being SNEAKY by hiding the actual full new document which they want to Sell us out to
Which is the UN and the WHO. and WEF. and they NEVER write rules / laws to help the people. and THEY NEVER !!! reverse them.
* ALREADY TRYING ( "trying") to be sneaky with the ticks and crosses. FOLLOW instructions . we have never used TICKS before. and a cross wont count
So I think you will have to WRITE NO.
and there MAY BE two boxes to trick you further. Write NO TWICE IN PEN .. take 10 black BIROS with you. STEAL the PENCIL at the polling station and leave pens.
OR STAND IN LINE FOR 30 minutes like I will be doing 4 hours. HANDING OUT PENS. with a NO shirt on !!
March 1984 - THEY TRIED "The Voice" once before. THEY ALREADY HAVE A VOICE !! If you only watch the first few minutes you will see what's at stake. The END of PRIVATE LAND OWNERSHIP in Australia forever.. They will BLOCK Beaches - ROADS - and create those little 15 Minute cities. Your house and farm and business premises can all be taken if they pass this. so VOTE NO !!
It's the YES pages on facebook, instagram & Twitter that block the TRUTH - Reality - Evidence - REAL Facts & Figures. They are the only ones HIDING from a debate they know NOTHING ABOUT cause NO-ONE DOES. They are HIDING the changes from us all. So what are we actually voting on ?? NOTHING ! a TRICK ! a HIDDEN AGENDA.
It is RACIST to think we Whites can speak for the Black Fellas. WE CAN'T !! THEY don't really want that.. apart from a couple of ALREADY RICH and paid off Sell-out fake Indigenous evil racist - HATEFUL few "black" men n women. You should see the NONSENSE they are sprouting.
Look at the DISGUSTING - aggressive - behaviour in PUBLIC no less from this CRAZY Government supporter.
The Government push the Agenda and you SIMPLETONS - do their advertising for free.
After the CONvid PLANdemic Ho@x .. was hoping more of you had "woken up" to what's really going on .. a HUGE de-population agenda from the TOP of the Pyramid.
And now you back BLINDLY supporting what the Govt tells you to care about.....
The Y SHEEPLE - march / walk was 99% WHITE PEOPLE !!!!!
If that doesnt tell you how RACIST the old "dead money" ( on pension - GOVT hand out.. dont pay tax anymore.. free ride til the Grave )
WELL done..... you got TRICKED again...
THEY are already in our constitution
THEY do NOT want us speaking for them as black fellas. on black fella issues.... that's a BIG NO NO to them.... ( yet the SELL OUTS on the TELL-LIE-VISION will make you think otherwise.. )
They ALREADY have MANY state and Federal members.... You cant tell me they arent being listened to by the govt.... and now the Govt wants to see if you all want the Govt to listen to the Indigenous ???
Come on.. you CAN NOT be that simple..... to change our BIGGEST RULE BOOK of Australia... that was WRITTEN to include the Black Fellas.. and now the govt wants to change that.. . just to simple see if we should give them a "VOICE " ?? Gimme a F@CKING BREAK MATE....
#MakeHerFamous - TYPICAL yes braindead voter - This is a "PROFESSOR" ( i think its female ) I HOPE she gets charged with ASSAULT !!! These are the SHEEPLE pushing the Government Agenda.... Classy
This is Emeritus Professor Denise Ferris, Australian National University, a YES campaigner. Her finest moment, a momentous moment, history making moment
It's the YES pages on facebook, instagram & Twitter that block the TRUTH - Reality - Evidence - REAL Facts & Figures.... They are the only ones HIDING from a debate they know NOTHING ABOUT... cause NO-ONE DOES... They are HIDING the changes from us all.... So what are we actually voting on ?? NOTHING !!! a TRICK... !! a HIDDEN AGENDA...
It is RACIST to think we Whites can speak for the Black Fellas.... WE CAN'T !!! THEY don't really want that.. apart from a couple of ALREADY RICH and paid off Sell-out fake Indigenous evil racist - HATEFUL few "black" men n women. You should see the NONSENSE they are sprouting...
Look at the DISGUSTING - aggressive - behaviour in PUBLIC no less from this CRAZY Government supporter.
The Government push the Agenda and you SIMPLETONS - do their advertising for free.. ??
After the CONvid PLANdemic Ho@x .. was hoping more of you had "woken up" to what's really going on .. a HUGE de-population agenda from the TOP of the Pyramid.
And now you back BLINDLY supporting what the Govt tells you to care about.....
The Y SHEEPLE - march / walk was 99% WHITE PEOPLE !!!!!
If that doesnt tell you how RACIST the old "dead money" ( on pension - GOVT hand out.. dont pay tax anymore.. free ride til the Grave )
WELL done..... you got TRICKED again...
THEY are already in our constitution
THEY do NOT want us speaking for them as black fellas. on black fella issues.... that's a BIG NO NO to them.... ( yet the SELL OUTS on the TELL-LIE-VISION will make you think otherwise.. )
They ALREADY have MANY state and Federal members.... You cant tell me they arent being listened to by the govt.... and now the Govt wants to see if you all want the Govt to listen to the Indigenous ???
Come on.. you CAN NOT be that simple..... to change our BIGGEST RULE BOOK of Australia... that was WRITTEN to include the Black Fellas.. and now the govt wants to change that.. . just to simple see if we should give them a "VOICE " ?? Gimme a F@CKING BREAK MATE....
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Censorship Sux .... You need to REGO 4 RUMBLE mates.... none of mine are getting blocked - warned about nor fact checked..
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SPEND CASH - don't leave YOUR "savings" with the bank !!!! I ALWAYS use cash when buying and selling.... but MY SAVINGS are going in to Physical GOLD - Physical Silver and Crypto... When "THEY" are done with cash - and cash is worthless what are you all guna do ????
Remember you dont want to end up on the BANKS' bitcoin.. that will be centralised again... and they control it NO NO NO my friends... Bitcoin - XRP - and ETHereum - are all DE-Centralised. I PRAY you are saving Physical GOLD - Physical Silver and Crypto.. -
I have Bitcoin & CRO & and RIPPLE XRP which the Australian government are about to start using. I'll be fine if we have to go back to barter system. I have bee hives so free food 😉 ( and a huge veggie and fruit trees planted 5 years ago knowing this was coming )
If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp you wont get the $US25 - stake enough CRO coin ( dont have to order ) for the RUBY card to get US$25. CRO Sign-Up bonus - ( to spend as a gift card WorldWide or linked Visa card 🙂 after you get enough CRO for the Ruby Visa card )
And dont forget to search my RUMBLE CHANNEL PLAYLISTS ;-)
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🤠🤠 wWw.RobboDaYobbo.CoM 🤠🤠 ( FREE !! SHIPPING !! Australia Wide )
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🤣🤣 AussieStuff4Aussies 🤣🤣
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#FJB - Let's Go Brandon VIDEO Playlist
CRO Crypto VISA APP = (BUY ++ Stake CRO coin and spend with a VISA card or Instant E-Gift Card Creator ) You & we - get Bonus $25 US. I love this Crypto app. I can make a Caltex - BWS - Woolies - Uber - Myer gift card straight from crypto.
** Remember folks Cashless Society means - no notes - no coins full digital currency is coming.
Why do think the Kochie's of the world put the viewers off Crypto ?? Cause they are so dependant on the dollar it's not funny and dont want you to get ahead..
Just do me a favour grab a free crypto wallet below .. get 25 US $ buy some of the CRO crytpo coin to use linked to a VISA card of the gift card creator above.
ORRRR do NOT! ! !!! get transferred to the Government issued Indue Crypto credit score system where you will not be able to spend your hard earnt govt crypto credits at local markets - on any business that the government doesnt approve of & you will have a time limit. Get a Free Crypto wallet BEFORE you are Forced on to a government regulated digital currency.
If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp you wont get the $US25
CRO Sign-Up bonus - ( to spend as a gift card WorldWide)
************** IF YOU ARE WONDERING WHERE YOUR $US25 in CRYPTO is you have NOT been scammed... ( I had to click 4 times to find out and SORRRrrRRY wondered why nothing happened at my end.. I JUST found out.. adn SORRY should have known)
BUT !!!!
Stay WIth me .. lol
Get the $0 to sign up Crypto App below - THEN Stake ( CARD section = bottom right ) Simply get Enough CRO ( Click big blue LOGO button.. middle of the app down the bottom ) for the Linked "Ruby" Visa Card and get $US25 extra sign up bonus :-)
(Add the $25US to what you got - cash out fully on card you get sent out OR Gift Card.
👑 Crypto Kid 🤑 & Aussie Conspiracy Comedian 🤠 #RobboDaYobbo here.
🎁 I am only giving out 🎉 $25,000 US worth of Crypto to help people get a Crypto wallet - ( to new users only )
TWO AUSSIE BANKS have chosen the TWO crypto currencies they are going to use.. (click see more ) This is your last chance. !!!!
And you will have to have access, on your device, to the Email you use to sign up.
!!! Don't Forget.. If sign up sheet is BLANK -- >> & this code is missing... qefy2gj8tp
I can't give you the $US25 🙂
********************and this is a Free signup WORLDWIDE APP folks !!! so youll get bonus signup CRO $25US after you stake for the RUBY visa card...
you do NOT want to get caught on the US central bank coin !!!!! PLEASE !!!! if you havent.. it's so easy to get a Crypto wallet.. BE PREPARED !!!
If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp or you will not get $US25
STAKE enough of the CRO coin for the RUBY Card - to get the BONUS --- then !!! cash it ALL out with a gift card or get Ruby card sent out. you dont have to get card send out.. just enough CRO to qualify for the extra $25US (youll see the word CARD on the home screen of that APP... )
AGAIN make sure you put referral code in OR you wont get the sign up bonus... qefy2gj8tp
NOW !!!! you can instantly cash out - by creating a E-gift card creator to THOUSANDS of stores worldwide-- and cash the $$ you bought CRO with ANNNNDD the extra sign up bonus.... if you are worried..
EVERY BUSINESS I RUN... even selling HONEY now ONLY accepting the CRO app... IF you dont want to cash it all out straight away all good... but I turn my profits in to instant E-gift cards.. which is in the PAY section of this app.. enjoy...
BUY XRP ( National Australia Bank ) and XLM ( ANZ )
and when the crash happens.... you are SET.. PLUS... those two coins are about to go nuts when THE USA AND ASIA find out about them !!!!
🙋🏾♂️ You're welcome..🙋🏾♂️. Here's $US25 ( ⏰ $US50 before ⏰ 9th Jan 2023 ⏰) on Aussie Crypto Kid & Conspiracy Comedian - ROBBO DA YOBBO.. ( ⏰ limited first 1000 new users ) If it allows you to sign up with = qefy2gj8tp .. Then you get the US$25 in CRO crypto to spend as you like. ( ⏰ You will get a sorry message if not - offer ended ⏰ I may do another round in Mid FEB 2023 another 25K )
Start getting away from the dodgy Banking system 👦 that the GOVT Bails out with OUR ?!?!? money ?? how does that work ?
(💣 That is about to Crash - What Did YOU THINK Cash-Less Society Meant? )
El Salvador as a whole country have gone cashless and paying ONLY with BITCOINS..🙆♀️. that's it..
So a take away meal with be paid as 0.00000065 (4 example) OF a Bitcoin. 👧
🙆♀️ You really think the "Banks" / "Government" will let you "cash out" what is in your bank - stock portfolio - Retirement fund ? NO they will take it all.💰. and you will then be in CRYPTO Digital currency with ONLY a Govt controlled Digital Currency.. WELL DONE... is that what YOU want ?
Two weeks to spend your "credits"..
You can spend it here.. cant spend it there..⚔️
Cant go to local markets or by stuff off FB marketplace.
💸 You think they will let your "transfer credits" to whoever you want ??? Guarantee your W33D Dealer wont be allowed to accept credits from you... what then...
CRYPTO !!!!! open 🏪 24 /7 - no bank waiting times or dodgy bank fees or GOVT Bailing banks out with our money ??
🌄 Bitcoin... CRO..SHIB.. & Ethereum Crypto Digital Currencies.
So here's your first Crypto coins just for signing up... Then hit PAY -->> GIFT CARDS --->>> BROWSE Gift Cards go nuts.. Spend your $US50.
⏰ (or $US25 after ⏰ 9th Jan 2023⏰ )
Or put it in the SUPERCHARGER area to get interest back on those CRO coins and leave it for a while.... your choice..
( *** P.S This Crypto App is ALSO linked to a VISA card.... WHERE you get "CASH BACK" / CRO back when you create a GIFT CARD OR Spend your CRO straight through your VISA CARD .. cool huh !! )
ZERO sign up Fees Crypto Wallet - linked to visa card and INSTANT E-gift card creator. I have paid for Petrol - Alcohol - Smokes - Groceries in two years that wasnt from Crypto Profits !!!
If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp or you will not get the $US25 CRO Sign-Up bonus - ( to spend as a gift card WorldWide)
******👨👩👧👦 You SHOULD be paying your Kids pocket money in CRO not coins anymore ! 👨🏫 They hold NO value. They print more Money than they are allowed / supposed to / actually backed up by real gold / wealth by at least 5 times..👨💻. SO our $1 is really ALREADY today... worth about 20 cents.. ! 👼
***Limit one free 25 - 50 / per person / New User Only - ONE TIME Sign Up Bonus - (yyeessss - with the 25 K US I am giving out you can get your kids / partner / parent / mates etc - a CRO crypto MOBILE APP account too .. and yyesss the 25 - 50 will show up for them too...
You are very welcome. I hope the Gift Card helps after a tough year for us all. ( Caltex - 🍻 BWS - Woolies - Myer - Drummond GOLF ⛳️ - 🏸 Rebel Sport 🏑- Coles - Amazon -🏎 Uber / Eats 🍔 - 🥂 Dan Murphys - 🎣 BCF - 🛠 Bunnings etc etc )
💣 It's going to be a VERY tough year when the property market continues to really crash - 🧨 then stock market ( all shares wiped ) -- US and Australia - NZ etc dollar wiped to ZERO - maybe an EMP attack or "natural causes" to wipe out the power and really get the 2023 food shortage going.
🏆 Crypto is NOT a conspiracy .. it is NOT fake money.
"Real" money is actually fake.. I hope you all get that..
The stock market is FAKE !!! backed up by nothing by rumours. insider trade and back door deals.. !! No-one can deny that.
You're welcome.
🌠 You dont have to follow me.. Just enjoy the gift card on me.
Aussie Crypto Kid & Conspiracy Comedian #RobboDaYobbo
!!!!!!! RUN INSTGRAM ON AUTO !!!!!!! Thousands REAL !!! not robot - more followers in one month !!!
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#4 Help support this channel by purchasing our NFTs.
#5 Grab a Free Crypto Wallet with bonus US $25 for new users. with the CRO Crypto APP
Binance Wallet = Buy & "Stake" /Term Deposit your crypto coins for 30 - 120 days to get Interest back on those coins !!
SWYFT-X = ( Great for beginners with some DEMO coins to test with )
ROBBO DA YOBBO - Aussie Conspiracy Comedian
And dont forget to search my RUMBLE CHANNEL PLAYLISTS ;-)
***** 🚨🚨🚨 PLANDEMIC Video Playlist 🚨🚨🚨 ******
********* HAARP HUNTERS Video Playlist **************
🤠 ROBBO REVIEWS -🥋Old Jack 🥊 Vs Kangaroo 🦘
!!!! ****
Keep your N0V@BeAr online to play with.
( I also EMP proofed my trezor. paper.. cardboard .. then wrapped in Aluminum Foil. then put in old microwave WITH CORD CUT !!!! LOL just in case)
EMP attack would wipe out ALL online wealth. Only the smart will survive.
put your savings offline NOW mates...
Keep investing in NOV@Bear you cant go wrong !!!
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