The Importance Of MARY's Intercession At The Wedding Of Cana & Her Veneration

1 year ago

The Importance Of MARY's Intercession At The Wedding of Cana & Her Veneration

Original Video:

Sam's Channel:

00:00 - Why Is Mary Only Mentioned A Few Times In The Gospels?
02:40 - Mary's Importance In Luke's Gospel
| Luke 1.39-45 | Luke 1.15 | Luke 1.41-45 | Luke 1.45-56
08:54 - The Importance Of MARY'S Intercession In John 2
| John 2.1-3 | John 2.4 | John 2.5
16:46 - Mary's Intercession Speeds Up The Hour
17:47 - The Father, Son & Spirit Did The MIRACLE
| John 5.19 | John 8.28-29 | John 14.7-11 | John 1.32-33
22:25 - Proof Of Mary's Intercession Speeding Up The Hour | John 2.11
23:47 - What Do The Few Things About Mary Prove?
26:13 - Why Was Mary Called WOMAN?
| John 3.28-29 | Genesis 2.22-24 | Ephesians 5.30-32 | Genesis 3
33:01 - The Connection With Wine & The Sabbath
| John 2.6-10 | John 1.19-51 | John 2.9

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