The Shocking Truth: Trudeau's Air Travel Hypocrisy at UN Summit #trudeau

11 months ago

The Trudeau government is facing scrutiny for its hypocrisy after it was revealed that Prime Minister Trudeau was flying on a private jet to the UN Summit while thousands of Canadians are on strike. #Trudeau

This video investigates the hypocrisy of Trudeau's air travel and the lack of support he is showing for the Canadian workers on strike. Are you surprised by the Trudeau government's hypocrisy? Let us know in the comments below! #ShockingTruth
In this video, we're uncovering the shocking truth about Prime Minister Trudeau's air travel hypocrisy at the UN Summit.As Canada's leader, Trudeau is hypocritically jetting off to international meetings on the taxpayer's dime while his government cuts essential services in Canada. This video exposes Trudeau's air travel hypocrisy and shows you just how out-of-touch he is with the people of Canada.In this video, we're taking a look at Justin Trudeau's hypocrisy when it comes to air travel. Recently, Trudeau flew to UN Summit in New York City using private jets, while simultaneously advocating for a Carbon Tax.This video looks at Trudeau's previous statements about air travel and how they've changed since he became Prime Minister. We're asking the question: is Trudeau really committed to fighting climate change? #PoliticalScandal
#ClimateChangeDebateIn this eye-opening video, we expose the shocking truth behind Trudeau's air travel hypocrisy during the UN Summit. Discover the facts and revelations that have left many astounded by the actions of a world leader.

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