Tucker Carlson Airs Censored Footage from US Capitol Video Cameras of Jan. 6

1 year ago

Because January 6th was a "False Flag", the Democrats went completely Unglued when they were exposed as Liars!

#TuckerCarlson Exposes the LIES of Schumer-Pelosi #January6Committee Narrative as a complete fabrication from the Democrats. FBI asset RAY EPPS ( #RayEpps ) A.K.A ."FED" worked to be a provocateur working with #Antifa as the "Useful Idiots" to create the Fake News narrative.

#FOXNEWS #TuckerCarlsonTonight, #Jan6th - #TuckerCarlson is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. #Tucker exposes the lies of the #January6th Committee Narrative With #Censored #SecurityFootage from the
#USCapitol. #Democrats lose the Minds because their LIE is Exposed as FRAUD!
Watch the #FakeNews Media come to their defense. LAUGHABLE!!

The Mainstream Media is the Enemy of the People!

Where is Ray Epps? Why is he Protected by the Democrats? Why does the Media ignore his role in the January 6th riots? Is Ray Epps a Fed asset? Why was Antifa at the Capitol on Jan 6th?

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