US is a country lives & breathes in lies

1 year ago

Video: US is a country lives & breathes in lies. It has used lies to start many wars since WWII. It is now preparing to use lies to arm Taiwan Province to launch a proxy war against China. Unfortunately, there are many Chinese haters in the US who are proud of this! 美國是一個滿口謊言的國家, 用謊言自二戰已經發動不少戰爭, 用同樣謊言也準備利用台灣省向中國發動戰爭. 不幸地在美國有不少漢奸走狗仇中華人以此為榮! 願做亡國奴.

Discrediting a normal person. US threw a "dead cat" without evidence for Bashar to chew. They said that UN had investigated and found that Bashar had killed former Lebanese PM Hariri. This country, which has been suffering from 7 years of war, is once again devastated. 抹黑一個正常人 美國拋出一隻無證據「死貓」讓巴沙爾啃掉,他們說,聯合國調查過,黎巴嫩前總理哈里里就是巴沙爾殺的。這個已飽受7年戰亂的國家,又再一次生靈塗炭.

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