Understanding the War on Men: Insights from Owen Strachan

1 year ago

On today’s Equipping You in Grace show, Dave talks with Owen Strachan about the dangers of toxic masculinity and why Christians should speak out against it, biblical manhood and growing in godly character, along with his book, The War on Men: Why Society Hates Them and Why We Need Them (Salem Books, 2023), among other topics on this new episode.

What you’ll hear in this episode
• The dangers of toxic masculinity and why should Christians speak out against it.
• The consequences of weak male leadership in society.
• How the disappearance of masculinity affects men and women.
• How men can navigate challenge times and personal hardships and develop resilience and emerge as stronger men.
• How fathers can play a role in nurturing and shaping healthy masculinity in their sons.

About the Guest
Owen Strachan is the provost and research professor of theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary and a senior fellow for the Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview. Strachan holds a doctorate in theological studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, a master’s degree from Southern Seminary, and a bachelor’s degree from Bowdoin College. The author of numerous books, including Christianity and Wokeness, Reenchanting Humanity, and Always in God’s Hands, he is married and the father of three children.


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