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10-4-2023 Timeshare Compliance Juggling Soccer Ball
My Soccer Ball Juggling Record
At Gilleran Park in Mission Viejo, CA
11332 New Juggling Record
Soccer Ball
Finished 11:50AM 10/17/2020
Chad Clawitter
I drove to Tucson Arizona to the Gospel Rescue Mission based on triggers in the “Last Man on Earth” television series. In the television series there was a pandemic that killed everyone similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. There was a sign that said, “Alive in Tucson”.
The COVID-19 shut down everything. My wife took the wireless internet so that I couldn’t update social media. I used a Starbucks internet from my car to upload my pictures onto my email. When I got to Tucson Arizona, I used my cell phone to transfer my pictures from my email to social media to preserve the timeline.
Gospel Rescue Mission seemed to be run by Freemasons pretending to be Christians. There were several groups of temporal terrorists there. At the welcome front desk there was one group of former Air Force who we’re trying to pair me with a beautiful Latina woman with black hair with the same first name as a Filipina girl from my High School who I asked to dances at least 5 times. She put secret messages in my Yearbook and had the same soccer jersey numbers (4 & 13) as me. One message said something about the “God Squad”. I went to prom with a girl from my Catholic Church who was on the “God Squad”. I think there was a “temporal bait and switch” on the timeline where a different girl went to prom with me.
[Chapter 8: My Warning]
When I was growing up I used to sometimes go play with the neighbors. There was a family up the street with a girl and boy who eventually moved just a little further away. My brother and I played “Star Wars Cards” with the boy. There was also Portuguese family from New Jersey down the street. My parents were best friends with them for most of my childhood.We would always go there for New Years Eve and watch Rug Rats. There were two boys around the age of me and my brother and a younger girl. The boys liked to play video games like Doom, Starcraft, Warcraft, Half-Life Team Fortress, and Half-Life Counterstrike.
I liked to play Starcraft and was good at making Used Map Settings Maps with triggers. I once spent months making a map called “Epic Trek” where I programmed triggers to have “spells” that could be filled into several slots and be changed like in the game “Zelda Ocarina of Time” on Nintendo 64. The younger boy figured out my password and hacked into my account “CatFat”. The password wasn’t hard to figure out because it was the name of my cat “Rusty” who was an orange tabby that looked like the puss in boots cat from Shrek. My mom said I couldn’t get a cat unless I found one that was declawed on all four paws that liked water so we could give it a bath frequently if she was allergic to the saliva of the cat. Our neighbor up the street who owned a MIDAS car repair glacé found an orange tabby cat declawed on all 4 paws. They put up signs and no one claimed him so they kept him. He liked water and would even jump into the shower with their son. I was doing some weeding for them and found out about the cat. My mom was surprised I found a cat that matched her description (she wasn’t expecting me to) but she kept her word and let me get a cat. I think my mom on the original timeline was mean but she was switched with a cloned replicant to raise me. Then when my mom had her miraculous weight loss, she was killed and replaced with a new cloned replicant with memories from the original timeline or at least to behave like it was the original timeline. My new “mother” is afraid of the Portuguese family who used to be her best friends. She is probably afraid she will be exposed as a cloned replicant who murdered my father (her “husband”) by putting radioactive material in his food to give him colon cancer. The Portuguese family moved to Temecula and my mom used to work with the Portuguese woman for a plumbing company. The two boys went to the same elementary school and middle school as my brother and I. They went to Capistrano High School whereas my previous mother got my brother and I to go to Aliso Niguel High School.
In middle school there was a gymnast who had the same 6 classes as me and had been in every class of mine in Elementary School. The class president had the same last name as her and was very pretty with reddish brown hair and freckles. I think the temporal terrorists changed the timeline by inserting people in student government and yearbook for where I went to school. If that is true, then there is hidden information and triggers encoded in my yearbooks. I had braces at the end of elementary school and head gear that I had to wear at night in the 6th grade. There was a new thing that I could bite down into to straighten my teeth. I would be at the computer playing Starcraft and my mom would say “Are you biting?” And I would grunt “YYYMMNN” which was supposed to be “Yes Mom”.
In the 7th grade I no longer had braces. I didn’t have them long, only a few years. My brother had braces for like 6 years. There was a girl in my Biology class who was very cute and had the most beautiful golden curly hair. I used to hold the door open for the entire Biology class, but it was mostly just for her even though I was too shy to say so. There was a girl with black hair and adorable freckles whose name rhythms with feather. She asked me to date her. She was very pretty. However, I told her that I was too young to date. I thought my parents wouldn’t allow it, but they actually would have. I think it just wasn’t meant to happen and the Spirit of the Creator was leading me down a different path knowing we would go to different High Schools. There seems to be hidden information and triggers in the Spanish movie whose title translates into English as “All the Freckles in the world”.
There was another girl with the same name as her in college at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo who was a Pescatarian from Seattle Washington who tickled me with a feather. I think she was a temporal terrorist sent to change the timeline. When she tickled me with a feather, I had to use all my self-control to pretend I was not ticklish even though I am. I wonder if this is how the Matrix system tests who will be fit to be fathers or just office workers like in the movie “Boss Baby”. I pretended not to be ticklish even though I am, but I just have a lot of self-control. The movie “Boss Baby” seems to be filled with hidden information and triggers.
There was a Cambodian girl who’s last name is only two letters and rhythms with “needle pulling thread”. She has a sister around the age of my brother. I later saw on MySpace she likes the song “One two step” by Ciara. My dad had me playing club soccer for the Pateadores and later West Coast. I had to get the “long form” birth certificate for playing soccer. There were some people who may have faked their age to get free public school omg because they were illegal immigrants. When they played soccer, they dominated because they were actually older than they claimed. Some had full mustaches and beards, which made it seem obvious.
In high school I played soccer and eventually became a scholar athlete. I did Confirmation classes my freshman year and sophomore year. I was confirmed in the Catholic Church sophomore year. They use a special oil to anoint you when you are confirmed. I used to be an alter server for Saint Timothy Catholic Church. I was actually the alter server for the first public mass at the new building. There was a private wedding mass beforehand though. My freshman year of high school the homecoming dance was canceled due to the attacks on September 11, 2001. The attacks were actually a government coup disguised as foreign terrorists. The pentagon was attacked in order to successfully cary out the coup. The NSA expanded its Unconditional powers and the Department of Homeland Security was created. Since then they infiltrated and conquered our government secretly implementing a covert shadow Unconditional government that violated the Bill of Rights. The September 11, 2001 attacks were conducted by George H. W. Bush to bring about a New World Order global government. His son President George W. Bush was used as a pawn. Over the next 2 decades the public school system was infiltrated and compromised to teach the next generation to be complacent and accept the removal of all their Constitutional Rights so when the covert coup went public 2 decades later they would have a whole generation already primed and programmed to accept it. The World Trade Center was attacked as a red-herring so that everyone would forget the Pentagon was attacked and focus only on the World Trade Center. The Hijackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia which acts as a mercenary for the United States of America. Saudi Arabia was promised we would go to war with all of their enemies in the Middle East if they would help with the coup. My father’s sister used to live in Saudi Arabia and my wife’s family used to live in Saudi Arabia. I think they have a temporal reception angelic device hidden in plain sight in Mecca. Mecca may be the Mecca for temporal terrorists.
There was a Filipino soccer player with the same jersey number as me (4 & 13) in high school. I kept asking her to School dances and she kept politely declining. I think I went to prom with her on the original timeline.She put secret messages in my yearbook, which may have been temporal fossils or new hidden information and triggers to affect the future of this timeline. She had a best friend and their senior quotes and pages their family made for them in the Senior Yearbook have hidden information and triggers. On the original timeline she wrote a hidden message in pen on only my yearbook. On the new timeline, that message was incorporated into the yearbook page itself sent by her family and her best friend’s family. There was also a temporal fossil or temporal echo about a “witch woman” so her page created by her family has a Halloween picture of her dressed in a witch costume as a child. They know that the woman I am going to marry is associated with “Snow White” from Shrek Magic Mirror and Wreck It Ralph Disney Princesses Saving Ralph so her Facebook picture has her in snow outfit with white snow in the background. The same is true for the “Earth Tiger”. There is a YouTube video called “Pot of Gold - Classic Tales Full Episode - Puddle Jumper Children’s Animation”. The way to hide something in plain sight is to make lots of decoys as a smokescreen. If there are enough decoys, then the chance of getting the right one is as bad as just guessing randomly. The Enemy does this trick to keep people away from the Bible and Christianity.
The Enemy cannot get rid of the word of the Creator because he doesn’t have the power to do so until the Church is raptured our. Instead the Enemy creates numerous false-religions each with an element of truth to use as a red-herring distraction to make it more difficult for people to find the real word of the Creator.
My wife and her sisters all have the same first first name “Paula”. In the yearbook picture it says “Paula” and not their second first name they go by. I think in the original timeline I went to prom my Junior year with the Paula that was a sophomore. On the new timeline, I went to prom my Sophomore year with the Paula that was a Junior. My Junior Year I went to Prom with someone from the “God Squad” from my church.
There is a picture of me with the girl from the God Squad with me and my wife Paula with another person. In the original timeline the girl from the God Squad might have been the Filipina soccer player. If it was the Filipina soccer player, then the sophomore Paula could have been with someone else but in the same Prom party so technically I would have gone with her to prom even if we didn’t go together as a couple. In the original timeline, the Sophomore Paula had skipped a grade when they came from Singapore so the Sophomore Paula could have been in my prior Chemistry Class in the timeline. In the new timeline the girl from the God Squad was Creole and went to a different school than me but went to the same Catholic Church. There was an Italian girl on the God Squad. Who was a year older than me. She had a friend who worked at Tilly’s who people said liked me but she never told me herself in person. There was a Venezuelan girl with bleached blond hair on the God Squad who I thought was beautiful.
I find it interesting that the Filipina girl who plays soccer made reference to the God Squad in my yearbook, but she never joined the God Squad. I think it is a temporal “bait and switch” where she joined the God Squad on the original timeline. Her older brother went to the same college same, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Her older brother visited me at a swing dancing event, which I think may be indicative of him knowing something about the future or he was prompted to go by someone else with knowledge of the future. He may have visited me as a trigger for the future or to do some temporal reconnaissance to verify that I was indeed the person there swing dancing. Temporal reconnaissance is when you send a message back in time to the past to have someone verify something or gather extra information to save the information to use in the future. I think the temporal terrorists may have sent lots of people to do temporal reconnaissance of me in college when I did a lot of dancing. There may be a lot of new people I danced salsa, swing, and ballroom with on this new timeline. These people might not be temporal terrorists themselves but may have been invited to go by these temporal terrorists and then were asked about what it was like afterwards by the temporal terrorists. The temporal terrorists like to do things indirectly to keep their fingerprints off what they do to make it more difficult for them to be exposed. My mom and her foster parent friend who prompted me to get fingerprinted as a child did temporal reconnaissance to watch me swing dance at Madonna Inn before they were replaced by other replicants and their husbands died of “natural” causes like heart attacks and cancer.
There was an Italian girl on the Ballroom DanceSport Team who competed with me who I am almost positive was a temporal terrorist doing temporal reconnaissance. She went to a drive in movie theater with me in my white 2008 Toyota Yaris. In a previous timeline I got a Honda. My dad took me to the Honda dealer first as a temporal node. The Italian girl’s last name was the same as the corrupt judge who did a coverup in department C12, which was also the last name of the man who married my wife’s best friend and coworker. This seems to be a “great” temporal echo . The “Back to the Future” movie franchise puts the word “great” before this name. She claims her mother was exploited by a pharmaceutical company to create a blood clotting agent using her genetic anomaly. The blood clotting agent may be classified and used as a weapon to create a “heart attack gun” that makes it look like someone died from natural causes or had a heart attack or stroke. My dad’s mother had a “stroke” but recovered so it might have been a temporal fossil from a previous timeline. The CIA had a “Project Phoenix” during the Vietnam war that used such a weapon.
This Italian Dance Partner likes the songs “Extraordinary Way” and “Tears From The Moon” by “Conjure One”. She also liked the song Rapture by IIO. The Song Rapture was played by my wife’s friend at her her wedding reception in the Grant Hotel in San Diego as a temporal echo. I have bought music from Apple ITunes to document this. The movie “Valarian City of a Thousand Planets” is also filled with hidden information and triggers. On the original timeline, I was given a stroke using a “heart attack gun” created using the genetic anomaly of my dance partner’s mother. I also had a video of me dancing with this Italian Dance Partner on YouTube while I taught physics and AP physics at Huntington Beach High School. YouTube had locked me out of my account and wouldn’t take down the video. I had to threaten YouTube with violations against the witnesses protection program and threatened to sue them to banks and they still wouldn’t take it down. I showed them my camera I used to film the video and claimed they were violating my rights keeping it up. Eventually they removed it. It was probably a temporal fossil that had to be removed at a specific time.
Google who owned YouTube is a political terrorist organization. They have infiltrated the school system and have a government established monopoly. All the email address for students faculty and staff used at Huntington Beach Union High School District were google email addresses. They are using their government established monopoly to steal information from teachers and students to use in a blackmail ring to persecute Conservatives and Christians. Google promotes homosexual pride and is using its government established monopoly to push a political agenda to indoctrinate all children into supporting homosexual behavior. Google is creating a “Project Dragonfly” to use on the United States of America to bring it under totalitarian control by a technocracy similar to China. Ted Cruz asked Google if they were creating “Project Dragonfly” for China. Google responded that it wasn’t and left out that the reason was Project Dragonfly is actually intended for the United States after COVID-19 is used to turn everything into a virtual prison run by Google with a government established monopoly who decides what information you can and cannot see like in the movie ANON on Netflix. COVID-19 was used to destroy small businesses by giving major retailers with the same business licenses as smaller stores a government established monopoly to stay open while their competitors were forced to shut down. There is no way to undo the damage caused by these government established monopolies. The government is “too big to fail” and they have infringed the rights of so many people and business that they should be sued for more money than they are worth. The major retailers who stayed open during COVID-19 need to be broken apart into smaller companies to destroy the government established monopoly.
My mother had me pack my own lunches for school. I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. Some parents thanked my mother because when kids asked me why I was so good at soccer I told them it was because I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. For some strange reason I liked to eat raw onions. My mother once found an onion in the refrigerator with a bite mark taken out of it. One of my teachers in elementary school also had a conference with my mother; the teacher asked my mother not to pack me raw onions in my lunch because it was stinking up the classroom.
In the 5th grade there was a child actor in my class. He was in The Little Rascals with a name synonymous with “yes”. He was also in a Domino’s pizza commercial for the edge pizza. One day he came to class with a fake snake bite made and tried to prank the teacher. The teacher’s last name was the same last name as Neo from the matrix. The teacher pranked him back by getting permission from his parents to have another student’s father who was a police officer come in and pretend to arrest the kid for lying.
I played little league baseball up until double A. I did gymnastics until I could do a front handspring to do a flip throw-in for soccer. I did AYSO soccer all throughout my childhood. I later did Club soccer. I was on the Pateadores, whose name means to “maliciously stomp”. I was also on “West Coast”. I played soccer in high school. I got a letterman jacket and was a scholar athlete. One time when I took a toll road to my work I put the letterman jacket in the back window of my car. I then saw military vehicles and joke that I received a military escort to work.
One of my English teachers had the last name of the alleged profession of Alfred in Batman. I am pretty sure he was a temporal terrorist or influenced by temporal terrorists. I later saw him at Jimboy’s Tacos, which I think is a temporal terrorist organization. People kept allegedly winning small amounts in the lottery in the gas station attached to it. I say allegedly because they may have been doing psychological operations and been acting. There was a lady who worked in the gas station who claimed to be Colombian but looked like the Filipino princess/actress Bianca Laurel from “The Better Half”, “Unmarried Wife”, and “Your Face Looks Familiar”. I say princess because if you are the great-granddaughter of a president, that pretty much makes you a princess. The Colombian girl had a younger sister who eventually worked at the Jimboy’s Tacos. I thought it was interesting that the younger sister brought cucumber water in her water to drink.
The natural laws of physics are just one layer of the law. There are spiritual laws and there are natural laws. The spiritual laws are higher than the natural laws and the natural laws and fundamental conditions are rigged according to the spiritual laws. When people make all of their decisions based solely on natural laws, they wonder why everything doesn’t turn out the way they planned because it is all rigged according to the spiritual laws. The spiritual laws are kind of like the purpose and the natural laws are kind of like the mechanism. The Bible tells us how the Creator is in charge of everything and has a plan. What people don’t usually think about is that there is a real mechanism that the Creator uses to implement that plan. Knowingly the mechanism doesn’t make the Creator any less in control. The spiritual laws tell why the natural laws were rigged to achieve a certain outcome. Everyone has free will to implement choices within certain limitations. The Creator has implemented limitations within the natural laws so that no matter what we choose, the Creator’s plan will unfold one way or another. Our choices simply determine who will get the blame and who will get the rewards for the way it unfolds.
A soccer player who was a year older than me got accepted to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I later applied and got into that college after being rejected from Cal Tech. It was probably for the best since my family probably couldn’t afford to send me to Cal Tech anyways. There was one Filipino girl on the high school soccer team whose brother also went to same college as me.
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