Roy Eacups and Jeremy Paul discuss, "Is recording Voice to Skull possible?" #Targetedindividuals

1 year ago

A lot of people that are known as Targeted Individuals, have been reporting voices being put in their heads, then they are being falsely diagnosed by the authorities with different mental health diagnosis. There are many different conversations going on within the Targeted Individual community, a lot of people believe that they have found a way to record these 'voices' and decode them. I spoke with Jeremy yesterday, as we had previously agreed to try to find concrete evidence, so that we have the precise truth, regarding whether the synthetic voices can be decoded from the V2K. I would like to try to get this video out as far and wide within the scientific, neurological and physics communities, there must be someone, somewhere who can help us. There are many inside agents who would love to speak about what is happening to us, but they will have been threatened with losing their jobs, family etc, therefore are too scared to talk. If you can help us in any way, the Targeted Individual community would be sincerely grateful, thank you.

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