PEACE News & Views Ep94 with guest Joshua White

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PEACE News & Views Ep94 with guest Joshua White from The Marijuana Maintenance Program

Joint hosts Siir Steveo & Kim Cooper chat with Joshua R White from The Marijuana Maintenance Program

"The Marijuana Maintenance Program "MMP", at its core is an Opiate and Alcohol Drug replacement group. Designed to work in conjunction with resources in treatment therapy, 12 step recovery programs and standard rehabilitation. Our members have sought and found recovery through compassionate use of marijuana, in its many incredible forms. We now support more than 2000+ that have utilized Marijuana as a tool to subvert and fend off the thralls of active addiction and self-harmful behavior. We believe a multi-faceted approach to recovery is the only way to find lasting change and happiness."

Join Siir SteveO and Kim Cooper tonight on PEACE News & Views for their conversation with Joshua White on the creation and evolution of The Marijuana Maintenance Program on NOK Network's

#PEACEnewsandviews #NOKnetwork #WeedyWednesdays

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