MIKHAILA PETERSON b | Tried elimination diet…lost weight, beginning of cure

1 year ago

presents episode 1153 | Mikhaila Peterson
Low Carb Down Under podcast

Age 19 entered university late due to medical issues...
-ate mostly noodles, gained weight, mood went nuts,
tried different meds
Skin problems: doctors "You are doing this yourself!"
Age 22 began own RESEARCH
-started with skin, because
had been TOLD:
"will have depression for LIFE
& arthritis for LIFE"

Lots of research on skin disorders...l found celiac rash paper
-it is gluten-caused skin disorder with itchy blistering...
"I had never realized these were together: skin & itching"
-realized gluten is not good for anyone with celiac gene
-cut out gluten
Runs thru massive list of meds
Rid of gluten? did not make
much difference

September 2015 began self-designed elimination diet...
-meat, root veggies, rice [cut out allergens]
-tried it for a week, nothing changed
-made muffins free of gluten, dairy, sugar
-over next 2 days, knees locked up, spent 2+ days in bed
So, went back to full elimination diet
-lost 3 pant sizes in a month



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