MIKHAILA PETERSON c | “Cut out greens. Cut out greens”. —ANXIETY GONE IN 3 DAYS

1 year ago

presents episode 1154 | Mikhaila Peterson
Low Carb Down Under podcast

Realized had been permanently bloated...
-cut out rice, kept apples, greens, root veggies, meat
-doing really well on this; stopped meds
-November: realized no longer depressed
"I have to get Dad on this"
-he began this diet

Started reintroducing foods
in large quantities--had horrible reactions!
Allergic to soy? almonds? sugar?
Doctors said: doesn't show on your skin allergy tests
"Do you look into food antibody reactions?
-NO, they are not real"
"Dear doctor: I reintroduced
many foods, my skin is
breaking out, arthritis is back,
have body odor, gums bleeding
face is puffy"

Feb 2016, gave up food reintroductions, stuck with low carb...
-all going well, then got pregnant and all symptoms came back
-stayed with me for next year
-was only eating meat, lettuce, salt, pepper, apple cider vinegar,
and olive oil...I knew meat had no allergens...
Saw Shawn Baker on Joe Rogan
"I've been eating meat only for 2 years"
-that night, cut everything out, but meat
-sent thru transitions symptoms
[had been in ketosis for 3 years]

A week later, itching stopped and arthritis went away...
-but digestion was a disaster..."It is a trade-off!"
-in 6 weeks depression lifted
Jan 2017 mom hopped onto diet [had been vegetarian for years]
-worked on dad who was eating only meat & greens
-waking up with horrible anxiety
-he said: this is not working!
"Just drop the greens
Just drop the greens"
In April he dropped the greens...
In 3 days the anxiety went away



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