"DON'T WORRY DARLING" (2022) Directed by Olivia Wilde #bigbrother

1 year ago

Chris Pine is “Frank” and the master over everyone, and everything he surveys in the desert town of “Victory” in an unspecified time but which I’d place in a supremely affluent suburbia of the 1950’s. However, this idyllic hideaway from the outside world cannot possibly be real and much like the regular robotic routines of The Truman Show or arguably the Bill Murray acting masterclass in Groundhog Day from 1993, the cracks begin to show, or should that be the loud rumblings and grumblings from the unexplained and secretive work facility nearby? All that can be admitted to is the “development of progressive materials” and that Frank and his team are on a “mission” and “changing the world”.

But who’s world is this?

Chris Pine is excellent as the guru cum cult leader and this is by far his best released film of 2022 following the disappointing The Contractor and the much better but flawed All The Old Knives. In amongst an ensemble cast are three notable stand outs in the shape of Harry Styles (Dunkirk, Eternals), director Olivia Wilde and particularly Florence Pugh. Styles is very much a representation of the males in a film whereby gender and societal role play a huge part in the narrative. Wilde and Pugh are ostensibly best friends and neighbours in a Truman Show landscape of perfectly manicured gardens, bright and well cared for ostentatious homes, colourful clothing, cars and the smiles of a world in the land of make believe.

The above two paragraphs are taken from my spoiler free review of "Don't Worry Darling" originally penned and posted to my Medium blog site on 28th October 2022 and the review can be read for free and in full via my Substack site linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review can also be found within Volume 2 of my 7 volume set of "essential film reviews collection" that can be read for free should you have a Kindle "Unlimited" package:

Volume 2:


All 7 Volume Series:



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