Groznyj Grad Base, Sokolov & The Sorrow | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater First Playthrough | Part 8

1 year ago

►Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Playlist:
►Metal Gear Solid Series Playlist:

I love gaming and enjoy games with engaging and immersive narrative-driven experiences, anything from sci-fi, mediecal fantasy, fantasy, sports, open-world, telltales, high-profile AAA, indies, etc.

Snake Eater takes place in an alternate history of events, set within the Cold War during the 1960s. The game's story acts as a prequel to the Metal Gear series, exploring the origins of several events covered by previous games, as well as being the first chronological chapter in an overarching story of Big Boss.

In this episode, we make our way to Sokolov. We learn more about the weapon he's creating and eventually get captured by Volgin, we end it off with The Sorrow Boss.

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