Battle for the Soul of our Nation Exposes the Long Path Ahead

11 months ago

Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government joins Pastor Greg to discuss the vote to remove the Speaker of the House brought by Rep Matt Gaetz. Chip Roy had presented a compromise to force a battle in the Senate and Matt rejected that along with others demanding the house do its job. This impasse led to the call for the removal of Kevin McCarthy. For years the House and our federal Government has created a pattern of talk and debt and more talk and more debt. A crisis is on the precipice of bringing our nation down and the same old talk and spend will not fix it. For several generations Americans have been bombarded and lied to and left to feel disempowered. Matt Gaetz battle id to restore the power to the people. At what cost? Can we turn this around and what is the proper path. Rick and Greg have a frank and some what heated but cordial conversation to explore this and to face the realities of the mountain that has been built and must be conquered for America to survive.

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