Oak Hill Church of Christ 10-1-23 Message: Trust God, Not Stuff

1 year ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the peace that comes with putting God first in your life.

When Jesus speaks, he often uses stories to illustrate points and to guide people to reach the correct answer about proper conduct, instead of simply telling them what to believe.

Jesus presents a man who has been very successful, he has been prudent in saving and storing his vast wealth. His wealth has accumulated so fruitfully that he must now consider the creation of additional structures to hold it. Think of it like your bank account reaching the FDIC limit at your bank. So, you open a new account to hold the remainder.

Jesus says that after this great planning and saving and storing, the man, nevertheless, faced mortality. He died, and must give an account to God. What were his efforts worth, in the end?

Jesus suggests that there is something which can survive the veil between life and death, which is the soul. But, how can we enrich our souls, and store up spiritual wealth for our journey into eternity?

Turn to God, and place Him first. A God-centered, God-focused life will yield abundant spiritual riches, and you can bring them with you. So, leave your bank account balance concerns behind, and turn your focus toward God.

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