Digital Product Management - Why It's Critical

1 year ago

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Mark Bodman, Senior Product Manager, ServiceNow. With specific responsibility for CSDM outbound product management. Experience/expertise: Product Manager, IT4IT™ strategist with an Enterprise Architecture background. Previously: IT4IT strategist @ HPE Software, Product Manager @ Troux, Enterprise Architect @ Dell, Honorable Discharge, US Army in strategic warfare systems.

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In this session, Mark will review the definition of Digital Product, and highlight why Digital Product Management in uniquely different than current product management or IT management roles.

We will also explore requirements for this role in needing proficiency in both classic product management and Technology management skills.

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The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards. The Open Group leads the development of open, vendor-neutral technology standards and certifications.

The Open Group events are for business and technology professionals interested in achieving business objectives through technology standards. The Open Group organizes conferences, member meetings, industry verticals, webinars, podcasts and videos on a wide variety of topics.
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