Culture War | Lockdowns Defied | Will Americans Comply the Second Time? | Guest: Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer | Sheridan.Church | “Separation of Church and State” Not in Our Constitution

1 year ago

Moms on a Mission Podcast hosts Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer to discuss the formation of Sheridan Church, its rich history, and his call to speak biblically based truths even when it’s controversial. He tells us about some of the “hit pieces” written about him and how God has used that for his good! Pastor Jackson shares about our Christian heritage and explains that even Benjamin Franklin, who was not a Christian, said that every public school in America should teach the Bible. Thomas Jefferson, as president, brought in the U.S. military band every Sunday in the newly built capitol building. He used tax funds to give to missionaries to evangelize the Native Americans. He teaches that “Separation of Church and State” does not mean the church stays out of the government and this must be looked at in context. He transitions to talk about the “Pastors for Trump” organization that he was asked to start, which has over 10,000 pastoral members. Pastor Jackson continues saying it was formed to educate pastors as it relates to true history and embolden pastors to boldly stand for biblical truth. Follow him on Twitter and check out his two controversial sermons on the YouTube links below.

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“Is America a Christian Nation?”

“The Gays and Trans Agenda”

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