GhostShadowAmethystX05's Behavior Card Day (Good Zone)

1 year ago

Even though the purple Diego (Diego Cuarro) left the Vyond community a while ago, I decided to make this to appreciate the new Vyonders and see if Diego stayed on Vyond so he can get more assets on Wrapper Offline.

Wondering of that instead of Taylor Leslie getting the best card, NeonHearts (Kim Chan) would get the best card instead.

I just made this lol, if the purple Diego stayed on Vyond long enough to make it to Wrapper Offline, saying this the second time.

I reuploaded this, because I had Ella's avatar error! although I still dislike PrincessEllaCrossing2004, I also had Sofinska's color own twice.

I also had to fix the lines of Diego saying Kenzie Backlin's lines, adding LDF Enterprises, because that user is Kenzie's boyfriend.

I could have different opinions on a few of the users that he likes that I don't. I had to record the thing a lot of times because of the avatar errors.

Maybe I wish our good purple friend is still here today, but sadly quitted Vyond. LOL, I just reuploaded this video so many times.

And if Diego didn't add you, do not complain, I made this myself, just to see if Diego never quitted Vyond, would be cool to see him on Wrapper.

This Video is not made for kids.
And the Genshin Impact wallpaper doesn't belong to me.

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