1 year ago

The 10-1-23 class is part of a series with the previous three classes and depends on those classes. The dates of those classes are 9-10-23, 9-17-23, and 9-24-23. If you have not watched those three classes, watch them in order and then come back to this one. Those were some of the best classes so far, so if this is your first look at my classes, they will give you a sense of whether these classes will be appealing to you.

>> From 16:25 to 16:57, when I said that my corrections are at Zoom, I meant to say they are at Rumble.
>> At 24:35 to 24:47, when I said "lord in all caps with the last three letters in lower case" what I meant to say was "lord in all caps with the last three letters in smaller font."
>> At 38:40 when I said "we have a record of what he [Jesus] said," it would have been more accurate to say "a minority of the human race has had a record of what he said."
>> At 39:28 where I said "The Holy Spirit is with us now," a more accurate statement would have been "The Holy Spirit is with all people all the time."
>> At 55:16 to 55:24, "an analysis of the history and future of the Israelite religion" would have been more accurate as "an analysis of the history and a prophecy of the future of the Israelite religion."
>> At 1:02:10 to 1:02:22, "when you flip to a destructive mental perception to a constructive mental perception" should have been "when you flip from a destructive mental perception to a constructive mental perception"

>> At 28:31 to 33:26, when I referred to Hebrews "without the shedding of blood," the reference is to Hebrews 9:22 specifically and to the context at chapter 9 as a whole.

>> At 28:31 to 33:26, when I referred to Paul in Romans, the passage to which I was referring is Romans 9:14-22.

>> At 48:27 to 48:35, when I thought I was quoting Jesus as having said "He was a liar from the start," I was conflating two parts of John 8:44, which reads in part "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (NIV)

>> At 1:40:37 to 1:41:48, the passage in ACIM to which I referred is at Urtext Manuscripts W.200.R6.6. It reads as follows:
When you are tempted, hasten to proclaim your freedom from temptation, as you say:
“This thought I do not want. I choose instead ...”
And then repeat the idea for the day, and let it take the place of what you thought.
In Original Edition (that title is a misnomer) it is at WkBk.RvVI.9.

>> At 1:41:48 to 1:42:16, the passage in ACIM to which I referred is at Urtext Manuscripts T.2.E.47-48. It reads as follows:
For this reason, any attempt to resolve the basic conflict through the concept of mastery of fear is meaningless. In fact, it asserts the power of fear by the simple assumption that it need be mastered at all. The essential resolution rests entirely on the mastery of love.
The equivalent passage is found in Original Edition at Tx.2.98.

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