When all is lost, all is found.

1 year ago

If we panic when in trouble, life can be like a drowning person struggling to survive but it will usually be in vain. Frantic struggling drains our strength eventually taking us down under.

After all efforts had failed, I and my ego, surrendered to something infinitely greater than myself. Most people call that power 'God', 'Waheguru', 'Param-Atma' etc. Just like an exhausted child snuggles into the arms and embrace of a loving parent, I felt carefree and unconcerned about current and future situations.

Then something miraculous happened, my mind began to be unburdened and my energy levels began to rise. I was able to think more clearly. Instead of reacting, I began to respond, and that too positively.

While retaining my convictions and sanity, I just abandoned the struggle. Did it mean, the problems went away? No, I just learned to cope.
Gradually sinking, when I hit rock bottom I realised that the only way is up. Left for dead or finished, I discovered I had begun to float.

Today, materially I am just a fraction of my former self, but emotionally and spiritually I have blossomed. The reason is not difficult to see, I awoke to the Guru's message 'All has to be first lost, before we are found'.

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