$200 TEMU Reborn Baby Doll Haul Plus Home Accessories 2023

1 year ago

Temu gave me $200 to spend. Let's see what I got.

$100 coupon Bundle  (it is $100 coupon bundle not $100 coupon)
【100 coupon bundle code &link】
💰💰Download Temu App to get $100 Coupon Bundle  through the link in  description box(for all users):  https://temu.to/m/u57fywmtp88
🔍Or search my code【deal9555】on Temu App to claim

#temu #temuhalloween #TemuInfluencerProgram

Where to send happy mail?
6569 Riverside Dr #102-120
Fresno, CA 93722
Where do I get my dolls? I make them
Do I sell dolls? Yes
Where do I sell my dolls? www.nlovewithreborns2011.org
How long have I been making reborn dolls? 13 years
Have I made a prototype? Yes, several
Do I paint silicones? Yes, but not to sell
Do you support all dolls including Amazon? Yes.
Do you paint only authentic reborn kits to sell? Yes
How do you care for the drink & wet system for silicone baby: https://youtu.be/3iYsGj-V1nA
Reactions with reborn baby: https://youtu.be/BYKkN88ZenE
#reborn #siliconebaby #vlog

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