Police detective reveals what she found when investigating Sudden Infant Death

11 months ago

According to Natural News, Investigator Steve Kirsch recently interviewed a former police officer and detective who told him that more than half of all the sudden infant death syndrome cases she handled occurred in babies who had been taken to their doctors in the 48 hours prior to their death … for a certain procedure.

The officer’s records also show that 70% of SIDS cases occurred in babies who received that treatment within the previous week.

She said even her pediatrician acknowledged those facts, but was told that wasn’t allowed to talk about it.

You would think that such a strong correlation would give medical professionals cause for pause. Well, Kirsh says, “It will take decades for the medical community to acknowledge this.”

At question: if this correlation has merit, then while the Medical Industrial Complex finds some way to keep their profits AND their reputation, how many infants will needlessly die?

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