Steep Hill, Shallow Grave.

1 year ago

#wrble #werisebyliftingothers #hopefortomorrow #strengthfortoday
Meeting a "greedy" person to the Scrooge level is hard to find, more so when a lot of them learn to act unlike Scrooge to pass buck cause greed isn't a person it's a state of the heart. A state that cannot ever have "enough" because it doesn't know what "enough" is. Greedy lives often becoming blackholes to those around them. Energy, time, life, always taking and never giving back. I'm sure you've heard it preached on at least one pulpit of being doers of the word not just hearers. Being part of the body not just filling a seat every Sunday and having sermons go in one ear and out the other. A life that can do that is one that knows what it is to be sated, a life that does that naturally is one shaped by HIS hand for more.

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