Canadian Stupidity? It's The Yahweh Chosen Rats! Stupid You Are! The Rats Won Big Again!

11 months ago

Canadian Stupidity? It's The Yahweh Chosen Rats! Stupid You Are! The Rats Won Big Again!
Oct 3, 2023
Folks, I have already scratched more than enough to expose those Talmudic Yahweh chosen rats dirty tricks. I neither want to repeat myself nor to bore you with the same words you all already knew.
However, such stupidity in the response from ALL the so-called alternative media to the “incident” in the Canadian Parliament House has forced me to made a serious reminder to you all folks.
First, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Remember, this scoundrel FDR spoke from his own criminal experience! Do I need to explain at all?

Here are some questions need to be answered in order to remind those people who are willing to learn:
1- Do you really think such whole “incident” was just a coincident? Or just an act of “ignorance” and “political stupidity” of the whole machinery of Canadian elite group of dickheads called politicians and their administration with and army of their advisors (which includes many “professors” “historians” etc…?
2- Where the hell all the so-called Jewish members both Left and Right of and in the Canadian Parliament at this “historic moment?” What the hell did these Jews do at this moment of “standing ovations?”

The consequence? … Everywhere, everyone again keeps talking about the Holocaust and the crime of Hitler and the magic number “Six Millions” reappears and keeps being repeated again everywhere in the Western world … unchallenged as always!

No one even dare to talk about the plight of the Palestinians and what they are suffering right now under the Yahweh chosen rats!

But this trick is NOT new at all. Years ago, the Talmudic Netanyahweh rat did “test drive” this trick to see what was the response and result? And the Palestinians again were murdered by the land-thieving rats. But how many Palestinians were murdered? No “fearless” Westerner even dared to ask! Let alone do the counting!
As expected. “Everyone” jumped in to condemn Hitler and … repeated the magic number “6 millions.” “6 millions.”“6 millions.”“6 millions.”… And again only a few remember the Palestinians were being murdered and their lands were stolen at the time!
And right now. After all have been exposed beyond any doubt. Still no one in the “democratic, free, and brave” West dares to condemn the real blood thirsty dictator Yahweh chosen Rat in Kiev.

In just one and a half years, almost a half of Slavic Ukrainian population and other non Rats in Ukraine have been either sent to be killed the meat grinder SMO or emptied out of Ukraine!
A country of 37 millions (excluding the territories that have come back to Russia) within just one and a half year has lost around 18 millions and still counting! Let this sink in folks! (I don’t trust “mainstream and official data”. This “estimated stats” I took from the conversation between Judge Napolitano and Col MacGregor at Judging Freedom, although I myself estimate that the number must have been higher given the “warfare and the Talmudic plan to empty Ukraine for the Khazarians to come home!

This is house the national conscription works and how enthusiastic the Ukrainians are: Even pregnant Ukrainian have to be sent to the meat grinder SMO in order to empty the Land!

And here is this year 2023, while Ukrainian men, women, and children were fleeing and dying, 35 thousands Yahweh Chosen rats around the world flushed to Uman, a city in Cherkasy Oblast, central Ukraine to celebrate “Rosh Hashanah!” (a two-day holiday that falls in September or October)? They say “the show must go on!”. Have they even tried to hide their Plan at all?
“‘The show must go on’: 35,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews travel to Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah”
As I have already warned at the very beginning of this tragic. The Slavic people have been fucked hard in real time by the chosen Rats again!

The Talmudic Yahweh chosen rats have won again because they know and understand the game of power very well. “Divide and rule!” They live and plan their ruling revenge things in the West for all their life in many generations since their Khazar Empire was destroyed.

They own and know how crazy the Left is and exactly how stupid and coward the right is! You have to play with both hands Left and Right at the same time like a Grand Piano Master! ./.


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