Featured Exercise: Narrow Stance Squats #shorts

1 year ago

Narrow Stance Squats

Step #1: Barbell Set Up

First, you want to set up the barbell on a squat/power rack so that the barbell is about armpit or just under armpit level

Step #2: Gripping the Barbell

The grip on the barbell will vary from individuals based on one's own level of mobility and limb lengths. As a rule of thumb, you want the grip to be as narrow as possible but as comfortable as possible to maximize tightness with the barbell on the upper back.

Step #3: Walking the Barbell Out

Start off with feet hip-width apart under the bar as you bring yourself under the bar to put your back to the bar.

Step #4: Executing the Narrow Stance Squat

You want to keep the bar and center of gravity over midfoot. Keep your legs straight and posture neutral before you take a deep breath in through your nose and brace.

You should break at the hips and knees and squat as low as you can ideally to hip crease below parallel. You may squat lower than breaking parallel if you are still able to maintain a stacked torso where you keep that neutral spine.

Once you reach the desired depth, stand straight back up until your hips and knees are fully locked out simultaneously. Exhale upon completion of the repetition.

Then repeat the process for the next repetitions.


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