Israel's Navy Created A Laser So Powerful It Will Change Everything

1 year ago

This tiny nation surprised everyone once more with its cutting-edge creations. We'll explain how this nation's laser military program came to be. How many challenges were there to overcome? What is the purpose of the iron dome, why did it originally arise, and why was the iron beam added to it? How quickly will the Israeli army combat drones, mines, and missiles? Stay with us in this video till the end to learn about these things. And before we start, like and subscribe to the channel for more informative content.

Israel is simply required to have the weapons it needs to properly combat an opponent that it is always at odds with, both in terms of numbers and the number of weapons. Given its three key advantages over other types of weaponry, the laser is the ideal anti-aircraft and missile defense weapon in this context. The first is the simplicity of targeting while in use, particularly against swift and agile opponents at close range. For example, aiming for a rocket that travels even at supersonic speed towards a target hundreds of kilometers away following a predetermined course is one thing. This is a different situation since the air defense system has enough time to target and fire an anti-aircraft missile. When the flight period of the same attacking rocket is computed in a few seconds when it maneuvers, and when it is only a few miles away. Its destruction is a far more challenging process. You don't need to calculate the lead while using laser weapons; just consider.

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