The big “jackpot winners” of the Covid pLandemic

1 year ago

Rapidly it’s coming to light more and more that the Covid pandemic was never a highly dangerous pandemic. The actual proven health damage was caused by the mass vaccinations. Kla.TV reports in detail about the painful experiences of the vaccination victims in the broadcasts “Witnesses of the truth” and “Vaccination dead do not remain silent” [ and]
In today’s broadcast we want to take a look at who has profited the most and skimmed off the cream in this home-made crisis.

First and foremost, one should know that the enormous profits from the Covid crisis have come about largely from the financial aid of the states, i.e., from our tax money! Everyone feels this – at least in the form of massive price increases, which forced a vast number of people into existential hardship.
Significant in this connection is, who watched over the distribution of the funds. Thomas Röper writes in his book “Inside Corona”: Bill Gates himself watches over the distribution of the billions that the states have loosened since the beginning of 2020 for the fight against Covid-19, because they go to NGOs and organizations gained millions of new users thanks to the lockdowns.

Well, dear viewers, let’s guess in which sector the biggest profits were made?
Yes, that’s right: the most enormous profits have been made in the vaccine sector. Since the introduction of the vaccine, pharmaceutical companies have earned about $1,000 per second.
Within a few months of the vaccine’s introduction, nine vaccine companies had become billionaires. In April 2021, “Forbes” reported that 40 new billionaires had emerged in the pharmaceutical sector “as a result of the fight against the Corona virus.”

Doctors and vaccination centers also earned a considerable amount of money. We reported about it in the program of April 27, 2022: “Corona vaccinators as crisis profiteers” [].
Laboratories that performed Corona tests achieved on average a 40% increase in profits in 2020 compared to the previous year.
The global market, for the so-called “protective” masks alone, grew by more than 15,000%, from $1.4 billion in 2019 to $225 billion in 2020!
Disposable gloves and hand sanitizers saw a huge increase in the market, thanks to government spending. Not to mention: However, much of that money was completely wasted as the shelf life of the products expired.
Amazon doubled its profits thanks to Covid, and streaming platforms [e.g., accessing sound file or video on the Internet, listening to music or watching movies while still loading the rest in the background] gained millions of new users thanks to the lockdowns.
For all the other participants in the “big-crisis profiteering,” the crisis profits are similarly astronomical – and there are hundreds, no, thousands, of other various beneficiaries, in the billions to trillions of profit ranges.

In October 2020, “Business Insider” reported that the net worth of billionaires had increased by half a trillion dollars in the first six months of the pandemic alone.

As of May 2022, the total number of new billionaires created by the pandemic was 543. Converted to the last 2 years, that would roughly mean a new billionaire rose every 30 hours.

In total, the richest people in the world have increased their collective wealth by more than five trillion dollars in the last three years – all thanks to Covid!!!!

Under the guise of a fake “pandemic,”
the largest transfer of public funds into
private hands known in history took place.
People who were already rich now became filthy rich.

Still others, namely the fleeced, are gnawing at the hunger cloth, thanks to the Covid measures, and are struggling more and more for their survival. To earn money with the suffering of others is not only morally absolutely reprehensible, but in the large style, as it is manufactured world-wide, a capital crime without equal.
At the latest now, because of this insane plundering fraud,

a worldwide ban is essential: No profits from crises!

from wou /avr
Ivo Sasek: Crisis profit ban

Thomas Röper: Pandemic profiteers control the WHO

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