Brian Tyler Cohen's Red State/Blue State Homicide Pap Gets NUKED!!

1 year ago


The following essays will consist of all my data pertain the Democrat Crime Wave. America does NOT have a “Red State Murder Problem” as vanilla midgets like Brian Tyler Cohen say (in the coming months, I will be quizzing his supporters on this & recording the results) or rather what vanilla midgets like Brian Tyler Cohen parrot from Google.

The most violent counties & cities in America have beaucoup black on black murder & typically vote Democrat. The real #INSURRECTION is a Democrat Insurrection. 1) Defund the police or thin their ranks to the point where they cannot do their job, cannot respond to stolen cars, robberies & other “minor” infractions 2) Let lunatics out of prison (child molesters, folks w/ numerous assault charges, murderers, etc.) so they can terrorize the general public 3) When folks like Kyle Rittenhouse push back on the fatherless terrorists & stop them from burning the town down, the Dems will try to put him away for murder 4) Take guns away from (primarily Rural) law-abiding gunowners (and universal background checks are the tactic used to compile lists of gunowners) so 5) the next time the fatherless terrorists from #blacklivesmatter riot, nobody will be there to oppose them

With that said & without further delay, here are all the essays I have done on this topic, from the newest to the oldest. The oldest essays (at my website, which has been discontinued – the owners decided to end the webs dot com venture & although it is still up at this point, it may disappear. Therefore, I will link to archived versions) are the foundation of everything above them.


That’s all I have as of now (10/3/23) & when I add to it, you will be the first to know. It will be added to this page & should assist you (if you are uber-busy w/ kids & their activities or busy doing something else, I do it for you, so you do not have to) should you run into some moron copying talking points from Brian Tyler Cohen, who copies talking points from the guy who cleans the gas station bathroom, who copies talking points from Progressive Think Toilets.

America’s “Red State Murder Problem” is a “Blue County & Blue City Murder Problem.” It’s also – most of the time – a black on black murder problem.

*** Divorcee Sam Seder, Black Hawk County, Iowa Supervisor Chris Schwartz, low-IQ Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, #AOC & a number of Leninist luminaries think Universal Background Checks will solve the problem of career criminals wreaking havoc. They don’t care about UBCs. I debunk their talking points w/a an Armada of data.

“Given the very low homicide rates that prevail throughout most of the US, it is clear that enormous swaths of the US population are able to obtain, own, and use firearms freely without turning their cities and towns into war zones.” Story County, Iowa supervisor Latifah Faisal likes to comment on murders outside Iowa (because she thinks they’re politically-expedient), but has not commented on the alarming number of blacks murdered in Iowa & blacks committing murder in Iowa, usually against other blacks.

#saytheirnames #latifahfaisal #faisal4story Say Their Names! PS I found through a lot of internet sleuthing & some landline phone calls – since Latifah claims to be a lifelong resident of that County – there have been 3 altercations w/ police there, two of which resulted in the suspect meeting Jesus Christ of Nazareth & another where the suspect ended up in the hospital.

Why did she not comment on those? Not politically expedient? Maybe she didn’t want hordes of BLM lunatics descending on her turf & wrecking the place. But it’s fine if they burn Ferguson & the Twin Cities down, right dummy? She never commented on that carload of kids that murdered another kid in Des Moines recently either. But if a cop had gunned down a Hispanic kid after he committed a felony, that would be big news, eh? The vacuous Mara Gay & MSNBC thought they had a zinger on Congressman Jim Jordan.

“Uh, derp – Columbus, Ohio has a higher murder rate than NYC.” Yeah, who does Franklin County typically vote for & what are the demographics pertaining to murder there? Don’t worry, I supply all the answers. An examination of some of the most violent counties in America (and some states, such as MO, PA, CA, MN, IL), their demographics, the demographics of murder offenders & arrestees, as well as who these counties typically vote for. #whitesupremacy Debunking Black Hawk County, Iowa supervisor Chris Schwartz again for his idiocy, “We are not safe anywhere.” Speak for Waterloo, not the majority of Iowa, which is not seeing a murder rate well above the national average. A discussion of murder offender and victim demographics 2016-19 vs. 2020-21. Charlie Kirk posts pictures of the devastation the fatherless BLM lunatics caused in various cities across America. Black Lives Matter back in September of 2020 removed an anti-nuclear family screed from their website. Why do they want black children to grow up in single-parent households? Is it because they’re more likely to become Democrat voters? Jordan Neely (even though he is not a child, but acted like a spoiled one) sparked a lot of crocodile tears from race hustlers, so I cover the number of children murdered in places like St. Louis City, Baltimore, Chicago, Flint, Milwaukee, Birmingham (AL), New Orleans, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Nashville, Durham City (NC), Charlotte, Kansas City (MO) & Atlanta. All those cities lean or fall towards the Party of Lenin.

A discussion of the number of juveniles murdered in 2020 vs. 2021. #saytheirnames The yearly number of black murder victims & offenders 2016-19 is much smaller than the 2020-21 time frame. Remember, the Democrats were supporting these riots in the wake of George Floyd. The vacuous bartender #AOC & the divorcee Sam Seder are suddenly wringing their Vienna Sausage fingers over dead black folks in New York City. You’re a bit late ladies.

Counties in NY state that were uber-Republican vs uber-Democrat & their murder rates. NYC violent crime demographics. Uh-oh. NYC is a super-duper Democrat stronghold in a super-duper Democrat state. Must be #whitesupremacy causing all that violence there?

“In fact, a police officer is more than 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male, than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. If the police ended all use of lethal force tomorrow, it would have a negligible effect on the black homicide rate.” Documenting the Democrat Crime Wave #DemocratCrimeWave in California.

Despite Universal Background Checks in CA, the LAPD confiscated >17,000 guns in 2021-22. I guess the rats did not get that memo, did they? Half of the murders in Los Angeles are “gang related.”

Discussion of murder arrestee demographics in various CA jurisdictions & CA statewide. Also included data on murder victims. Democrats are suddenly concerned about dead black folks in Kansas City, Missouri, but they are a few decades late for that. A discussion of murder offenders & victims in KC, as well as MO statewide. Murder rates in Kansas City & St. Louis City versus the rest of MO.

Murder rates in MO counties that were uber-Donald Trump vs. Kansas City & St. Louis City. MO counties that had zero murders 2021 & 2022. Discussion of murder rates in uber-Republican MO counties vs. the uber-Democrat counties.

How many children are murdered in KC each year? Do the Democrats care? They would if a LEO were involved. Educating the divorcee Sam Seder on the massive surge in crime post-George Floyd & reminding the old man that the most violent counties in America are usually “diverse,” usually vote Democrat & have lots of black on black murder.

I cover data related to homicide victimization rates for “non-white” people all the way back to 1910. Spoiler alert, the non-white homicide victimization rate has been well above the rate for “Whites.” Why is that?

Larry Elder plays my call to his show debunking Black Lives Matter. Rachael Rollins & the REAL Democrat #INSURRECTION Super-duper “Blue City” Portland (in “Blue” Oregon) is seeing murder, violent crime & vehicle thefts spike. This is what happens when you force kids into a government school system that is not interested in teaching them how to show up for a job & learn – but instead teaches them that white people are the reason their father abandoned them. Oh, and you have the right to do whatever drugs you want & my boss has the right to pay for your food & shelter when you’re a slobbering mess who couldn’t do a job a trained chimpanzee can do. Two Brian Tyler Cohen supporters parrot “Red State Murder Problem” talking points off Google & get squashed. Covering NUMEROUS cities (in “red states,” in “blue states”, cities that are “diverse” or not so “diverse”) that have a lot of black on black murder, usually several times their % of the population. You can call me racist, but you can’t call me wrong! Who do the most violent counties in Lilly-white Minnesota vote for? I wonder, counties in MN that have no murders (and there are a lot of them) – who do they vote for & what are their demographics? Burlington, Vermont demonized their police (VT is uber-safe, but Burlington is an outlier) & the results are predictable. I also debunk an intellectually lazy article written by some idiot named Katya Schwenk. A detailed discussion of the most violent cities in Iowa, the demographics of murder offenders & who they vote for. The most violent cities in Iowa tend to be more “diverse” than Iowa en masse & they tend to vote Democrat. Whoops! Will the divorcee Sam Seder do an analysis of the uber-Democrat counties in Missouri & Arkansas, chronicling their murder rates? I doubt that. Will he compare the murder rates in the counties that were (≥60%) dominated by Republicans? Nope.

I also discuss the demographics of murder arrestees & counties in those states that had zero murders. They tend to lean Republican. An analysis of the uber-Democrat & uber-Republican (≥60%) counties in Michigan & Pennsylvania, as well as their murder rates. I challenged the divorcee Sam Seder to do an analysis on those counties & he was too busy trying to find his ex-wife’s sunglasses. Hillary Clinton autistically repeats, “Red States have higher murder rates than blue states.” Hillary, “blue counties have higher murder rates than red counties & the safest counties in America tend to be Red & White (not blue).” Black Hawk County, Iowa Supervisor projects the violence in his backyard (Waterloo, Iowa) on the entire nation, saying “we’re not safe anywhere.”

I debunk that totally & completely. Chris needs to read a book without coloring areas. A discussion of murder in Oklahoma & the demographics of it, including arrestees for murder. Creepy Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport dutifully parroted talking points from some dingbat pretending to run for Governor in OK & I ran it through a wood chipper (metaphorically speaking).

Some data from John Lott on counties w/ no murders 1977-2000 – concentration of murders in these United States. Even back in the 1980s, when the murder rate was much, much higher than 2020-2022, >70% of U.S. counties had no murders. Large swaths of the U.S., even back then were as safe as a baby in its mother’s arms.

A discussion of OK counties that had no murders in 2019 & 2020. Various Democrat enclaves (Jackson (MS), St. Louis City, Newark, Richmond, Milwaukee, Pontiac, Kansas City (MO), Syracuse, Cincinnati), their sky-high murder rates & horrible government schools. Another edition of counties in Georgia that are uber-Democrat vs. uber-Republican & a comparison of their murder rates from 2016-20. Demographics of arrestees for murder in the Peach state for the same time frame. Debunking Black Hawk County, Iowa Supervisor Chris Schwartz on gun control & crime. This clown is as smart as he is skinny. A montage of Democrats wanting to “Defund the Police” & being surprised after the George Floyd riots that the murder rate went through the roof (again, usually in Democrat cities & counties) .

Data on various Democrat-run jurisdictions w/ high murders rates & the crummy state of their government school systems. We need School Choice folks to allow kids to get out of these dropout factories in Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Washington D.C. & Lost Angeles. Chronic absenteeism is a YUUUGE problem too. Debunking the vacuous #AOC on the spike in violent crime & murder in NYC. Progressive policies that turned a blind eye to turnstile jumping, being drunk in public & pissing on the sidewalk are the main reasons urban mass transit in New York City is dangerous.

When one considers that the number of passengers on urban mass transit has declined markedly since the COVID-19 plandemic, the spike in violent crime on the subway is even more pronounced.

This is the Democrat #INSURRECTION Grouping together a long list of Democrat enclaves & informing everyone that from 2018-20, that collective averaged >14 murders every…. Single…. Day. How many “mass shootings” is that?

Asians are arrested for violent crime & murder rarely. Why is that? A challenge I have not seen any Democrats take. Find me a state, any state where the whitest, most pro-Trump counties have homicide rates HIGHER than the national average, higher than the state average & homicide rates HIGHER than the most pro-Biden/Hillary counties.


The most violent jurisdictions in America have lots of black on black homicide, lots of fatherless children, lots of working age folks taking a break from the labor force & they overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

More data added to covering various states & the demographics of their violent crime & murder offenders. Pitting Georgia counties that voted ≥60% for the obese Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden vs. Georgia counties that voted ≥60% for Brian Kemp & Donald Trump twice. Which set do you think had a murder rate much higher than the GA average & much higher than the national average?

If I performed the same task for Missouri, what do you think the results would be? Brian Tyler Cohen’s cut-and-paste “Red State Murder Problem”, his blue state/red state homicide pap gets nuked. I cover numerous states (some GOP leaning, some not, some w/ high murder rates, some w/ low murder rates) & the jurisdictions where the murder is spiking tend to be “Blue” cities & counties.

I also cover numerous states & pit the uber-Republican counties (≥60% of the vote) vs. the uber-Dummycrat (≥60%) counties & give you their murder rates. Funny how the “red state murder problem” is a “Blue County Murder Problem.”

I also sprinkle in a lot of data from various states pertaining to the demographics of murder arrestees & murder victims. Examining FBI arrest data & the arrestees (for murder & violent crime overall) tend to disproportionately be black males. You can call me racist, you cannot call me wrong. When ~6.6% of the population commits >40% of all murders, we have a cultural problem. Black men are also >40% of murder victims in any given year. Reading off the names of black children murdered in Baltimore & Chicago. Grab a Snickers, you will be here a while.

The vast majority of murder arrestees & murder victims in Virginia are black. VA has a high % of Asians, why aren’t they slaughtering each other in the streets?

Comparing murder rates in Democrat-leaning Richmond, Roanoke, Norfolk, Danville, Newport News, Petersburg, Hampton & Portsmouth versus the rest of the state. Arrests for various violent crimes in those cities seriously declined 2019-20, relative to the previous two years (and only 6 months of that was the George Floyd riots). Ferguson Effect?

Arrests in the District of Columbia for various violent offenses plummeted 2019-21, relative to the previous 3 years. Ferguson Effect?

I provide data for a few jurisdictions (such as Denver & Virginia) on the number of children murdered there. Were the troglodytes saying their names or does it only matter when it is politically-expedient? Arrests for (Murder/non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery & assault) Maryland statewide & Baltimore City declined 2018-2020, relative to the previous 3 years, but murder was up. Ferguson Effect? ~80% of MD’s murder victims & offenders are Black.

Murder victims & offenders in lily-white Minnesota tend to be young, black males.

Total Arrests for Murder/non-negligent manslaughter, Rape, Robbery & Aggravated Assault in Illinois declined 2019-20, relative to the previous 2 years.

I also compare murder rates in Detroit, Flint & Pontiac vs the rest of the state & the Twin Cities vs. the rest of Minnesota. >72% of the murder arrestees in Michigan are black. Most adult arrestees in New York City for “violent” offenses are black. The number of arrests for “violent” crimes in NYC declined 2019-21, relative to the 3 prior years. Sounds like a Ferguson Effect at work.

Several other Democrat-leaning jurisdictions in NY (including statewide) saw the same exact trend. A mass shooting in Buffalo suddenly triggered a lot of Progressive to be concerned about dead people in Buffalo. They are many decades late, the murder rate in this slowly dying city has been high for a very long time. Most of the murder & shooting victims in Buffalo are… Black. Surprise!

Buffalo has a lot of single-parent households & a public school district that is churning out dysfunctional people who will be well prepared… to slice the lunch meat years from now. Just the way the Democrats want it, more dysfunctional people = more Democrat voters. Don’t give those black parents school choice, that might result in some black children that are prepared to have a job when they finish high school. Democrats need young black folks to remain dependent on government or they may not win as many elections. A lot of the autistics on the Progressive side of the aisle go bonkers when one talks about black on black murder, calling it a red herring, after saying blacks tend to kill blacks, whites tend to kill whites, etc.

True, whites do tend to kill whites & blacks tend to kill blacks, but blacks kill other blacks at a rate much, much higher than whites kill whites or any other ethnic group. Exit question: Why are Asians such a tiny % (much smaller than their % of the population) of those who perpetrate violent crime & murder? Maybe because there are fathers in those homes who will chasten Timmy when he misbehaves? “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” was a lie & some data on violent crime in Ferguson, Missouri. There was plenty of murder in that dunghole (which is inside the U.S.’ most dangerous metro area, St. Louis) for the BLM crew to screech about, but I guess they didn’t care until a white cop defended himself from a thug. I challenged (and she blocked me) Story County, Iowa Board of Supervisors Hobbit Latifah Faisal #latifahfaisal #faisal4story on Iowa’s new “Constitutional Carry” Law back in 2021. No response of course.

I got data from an unconventional source & calculated Iowa’s murder rate from State Legislature documents, before & after “shall-issue.” If you’re curious as to what the FBI says for the same time frame, it was 1.64 per 100,000 in 2006-10 & it was 2.033 per 100,000 in 2011-2019 (post “shall-issue”). I posted a response after a mass shooting in Boulder, just in case some of the interwebs’ greatest carnival barkers (the divorcee Sam Seder, the Chicago Janitor McCainisthorughX, the rat-faced Ilhan Omar) try to exploit it. A little data on those mass shooters, they’re not as white as the antique media portrays them. Demonstrating that the Bill Clinton-era “assault weapon” ban did not have any sort of mitigating effect on murder rates in these United States. In addition, the ban focused on cosmetic features. It was a lot of fluff, not much stuff.

*** Above you will find numerous videos, which are either follow-ups or a supplement to the essays below Loads of data here, focusing on numerous states & the problem areas. E.G. What is the murder rate in Illinois OUTSIDE of Chicago & East St. Louis? What is the murder rate in Iowa OUTSIDE of Fort Dodge, Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Davenport & Ames? What is the murder rate in Michigan OUTSIDE of Detroit, Flint, Pontiac? I have lots of examples in that area.

I also cover NUMEROUS states (such as GA, MO, MI and on and on) & look at the counties that voted ≥60% for Donald Trump (or numerous GOP candidates, I choose 60% because those are outliers, that’s a high water mark) & chronicle their murder rates.

I also compare the counties that voted ≥60% for Dumbasscrat candidates (Dementia Biden, Shillary & statewide local candidates) & compare their murder rates to the uber-GOP counties. I did this for several time periods (2018-2020 & 2020-22, etc.) The results will not surprise you… unless your name is Sam Seder & you have an IQ around room temperature.

In many of those analyses, I posted state data on arrestee demographics. That might make your jaw drop.

More data on how violent crime & murder spiked in the wake of the George Floyd riots & how many municipalities took money away from their police and/or ended proactive policing, enabling the terrorists to wreak havoc on their communities.

If the bad guys know there is a good chance they will never get caught, they are more likely to go for the gusto.

Further buttressing this, I have data on arrests for violent crime & murder. In many of these jurisdictions violent crime overall was not moving, but the murder rate itself was spiking. However, arrests for those crimes plummeted.

Data on cities like Baltimore, which are letting violent people loose too early. This is causing more people to be murdered because dangerous people are out on the street & not behind bars, where they belong.

Democrat-dominated jurisdictions like New York City, San Francisco, etc. are having to lock up items like toothpaste & Spam (yes, Spam!) because hordes of lunatics are swarming in, stealing everything & running off.

This is not happening all over Rural, lily-white Iowa, Montana, Idaho, etc. It is happening most often in places run by Democrats. If you try that in rural Iowa, you may have a very, very bad day. We don’t tolerate smash-and-grabs.

I have a section on Democrats who want to “defund the police”, but they spend A LOT of $ on private security (or use LEOs at taxpayer expense) to keep themselves safe. They want to thin the ranks of the police, all while blockading your ability to defend yourself & your children from maniacs.

Police response times in many Democrat cities for “non-emergency” items has increased, making it harder to catch the bad guys that steal cars.

LOTS of data on counties in the U.S. that have no murders & <2 murders per year. I cover a lot of states, so many that I came to the same conclusion John Lott did – about 2/3 of U.S. counties in a given year have <2 murders. The real problems exist in a few hundred of all U.S. counties.

John Lott has data on WHERE murders in violent cities are occurring. It is usually segregated to a few neighborhoods in the city (such as Lost Angeles & D.C. to name a few), not “all over.”

More demographic data on statewide arrests for murder in various jurisdictions.

A detailed section debunking Black Hawk County, Iowa Supervisor Chris Schwartz & his “we’re not safe anywhere” proclamations. He is projecting the hood rat culture of Waterloo on the entire state of Iowa. In any given year, two-thirds to three-quarters of Iowa’s counties have zero murders.

I examine a boatload of states in this section, crime is not evenly distributed, whether it be a low or high murder rate state run by the Dums or the GOP. Chris’ statement is one of the dumbest I have ever encountered. He obviously does not read much (unless it’s a book with coloring areas).

Lots of data on the non-white & white homicide victimization rates going way back to the 1910s. Someone likely has the arrest or conviction data for the offenders, but it is not published. Blacks have always had a homicide victimization rate way above the national average, even after the Civil Rights Act.

I surmise that the offenders have always been the same, usually young black men.

The demographics of counties in America that have <2 murders tend to lean heavily Republican & heavily white. You can call me racist, but you cannot call me wrong.

More data on arrestee demographics in numerous states.

*** A rundown of numerous Democrat-leaning & Democrat-dominated cities, their murder rates & proof that they vote for Democrats the vast majority of the time. Their murder rates collectively are >4X the national average. #whitesupremacy #blacklivesmatter Another facet of most of these jurisdictions, they’re diverse & a lot of young black men are being sent to the morgue by…… other young black men. You can call me racist; you cannot call me wrong.


Black Lives Do Not Matter Covering the number of black on black vs. white on white murders, 2004-2018. If you are foreign to this subject matter & have heart problems, get the defibrillator ready. I also cover (FBI data) the number of white on black & black on white murders for that time frame. Also gives data on the black-on-black murder RATE vs. the white-on-white murder RATE.

Data on the % of murders in a selected time period that featured “multiple victims,” addressing the Progressive obsession w/ “mass shootings.” Unlike their data (which usually includes folks “injured”), this focuses on actual dead people.

Data on number of LEOs/police officers murdered & assaulted in the line of duty. Data on the # number of “justifiable homicides”, events where a person is in the process of committing a felony (aggravated assault, robbery, rape) & a “good guy w/ a gun” (LEO or private citizen) pulls a firearm & sends the perp off to a meeting w/ Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The percentage of murders where a “firearm/gun” was used to commit the dirty deed. What % of murders were committed w/ a “rifle or shotgun.”

The relationship (or lack thereof) a murder offender had w/ their victim & data pertaining to how Black Lives Matter & their fatherless base used the George Floyd riots into prohibiting pro-active (“broken windows” policing) policing, allowing their base to burn buildings & intimidate the general public. This resulted in about 8 thousand extra murders over the 2020-21 period, relative to the 2016-19 average.

Data on what % of violent crime & murder arrestees are a given race (Black, Asian, White, Hispanic, etc.) Why do Asians behave so well?

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