Enigma of the Almighty

1 year ago

The only way anyone can actually meet, know, and understand his complex creator is by patiently waiting for His eternal invitation to heaven through the doorway of death (purified grave). The Lord briefly revealed Himself to Adam, who mistakenly believed he knew his God as his Creator and his beloved father, but later came to realize that his God was both a just king (obedience/flesh/law) and a merciful priest (love/spirit/faith). We see that Noah met God in the barren desert of chaos and received a promise of a holy land to be overflowing with milk (human kindness) and honey (divine love), yet Noah also learned the hard way that God Almighty is both a just king (cruel) and a merciful priest (forgiving). We see that Abraham also falsely assumed he knew the Almighty as his faith was tested to its breaking point, when asked to murder his own son and then suddenly, our Father of Faith realized he had met both a just king (sacrificial) and a merciful priest (bloodless sacrifice). We see that Moses met God and triumphantly received the law of perfection, making him sure that he knew God’s divine purpose, but eventually God would destroy Moses and God’s first generation of true believers. We see that God has betrayed His own chosen people by testing their faith unto the very dust and then forcing them to wander the Earth for two thousand years to find their own identity in God’s prophets, His Messiah, and within God Himself. During this period, Jesus came and then the world received the gospel message (earned salvation) and the creation of Christ’s church to bring free redemption to one and all. Now, “Christ’s church” mistakenly thinks it knows the mind of God sufficiently to explain His omnipotent being, whose mind is farther above man, than the stars are above the Earth. In short, the Lord God Almighty is an enigma wrapped in a mystery and no man will ever come to both know and/or understand his God until he has become God (oneness) and can know all things in Christ Jesus.
#spiritualjourney #christ #soldierofthelight #catholictradition #catholic #moses #jews #jewish #christianity #christian #church

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