DO YOUR FUCKING RESEARCH? -- Abstract Artwork Epic Fail

1 year ago

Today we're going to examine another fraudulent claim made by Riccardo Bosi, the failed political candidate from fake political party Australia One.

In a video posted to the A1 Rumble channel on the 29th of September 2023, Bosi goes on another Karen Brewer inspired rant about the Masons, and how they are supposedly running the country. He then presents an abstract artwork as though it is a leaked insider image from a Masonic ritual.

While Bosi brags constantly of the need to "do your fucking research," it appears he is incapable of taking his own advice. The image Bosi presented is from a contemporary artist named Matthew Barney. The image in question depicts what appears to be a human male on an operating chair surrounded by Masons, who have performed a castration. However, on closer examination, the individual in the chair has an appendage between the legs that is not a penis.

If we check the Wikipedia page for Matthew Barney and The Cremaster Cycle, we read the following:

"Matthew Barney's epic Cremaster cycle is a self-enclosed aesthetic system consisting of five feature-length films that explore processes of creation. Its conceptual departure point is the male cremaster muscle, which controls testicular contractions in response to external stimuli. The project is rife with anatomical allusions to the position of the reproductive organs during the embryonic process of sexual differentiation."

As is the case with abstract art, the image is not meant to make a literal point or be immediately obvious. It is instead designed to elicit emotion and/or curiosity.

Here again, Bosi has outed himself as an uneducated and incompetent moron. If he cannot do his research and look into the images he presents on slides, then he is clearly not capable of running the country as he likes to brag that he will someday.



Matthew Barney. Cremaster 3 "I die daily"

Wikipedia: Matthew Barney

The Cremaster Cycle

Cremaster 3 Part 2

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