Nov. 22, 1963 | Dallas Police Sgt. Gerald Hill Describes Oswald Arrest

1 year ago

Nov. 22, 1963 - A suspect in the murder of Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit was apprehended at 1:50 p.m. Central Standard Time in the Texas Theatre, a Dallas movie house located on 231 West Jefferson Boulevard, six blocks from the scene of Officer Tippit’s slaying. Police sources say the man arrested, who appeared to be roughly 25 years of age, may be connected to the assassination of President Kennedy, but this has not been confirmed. The suspect, armed with a .38-caliber revolver under his shirt, was subdued inside the theater by several policemen after slugging one officer in the face. Prior to striking the officer, the suspect had said calmly, “Well, it’s all over now.” During the scuffle, the suspect’s revolver fired once, harmlessly. As the suspect was led out of the theater in handcuffs, he said loudly, “Don’t hit me anymore. I am not resisting arrest. I want to complain of police brutality.” Passing a WFAA-TV cameraman, the suspect said, “I want my lawyer. I know my rights. Typical police brutality. Why are you doing this to me?” Police drove the prisoner to City Hall in downtown Dallas, where he was taken to the Homicide and Robbery Bureau on the third floor for questioning.

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