How to Lose Body FAT | The Mike Mentzer Way #mikementzer #bodybuilding #fitness #weightloss # gym

1 year ago

At the start of your contest preparation. Your weight training session should be very intense. Hence your aerobic activity should be a relatively short duration bicycle riding of 6 to 10 miles a day at a slow, moderate pace once or twice a week combined with or alternated with jogging maybe a mile and a half to two miles being adequate. As contest time nears, however, getting rid of body fat becomes an ever increasing concern and the intensity of the weight training sessions will decrease somewhat and the duration of the aerobic or fat burning activity increases.

Increase your aerobic activity until you are bicycling at least twice a week for 30 to 45 minutes and running three or more miles twice a week on alternate days. I prefer more running as it burns calories more quickly, though bicycling is an advantage as it is less traumatic to the joint.

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