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ReAwaken Miami Day 2 Clark Flynn Dr. Simone Gold Practical Plan to Fight for Your Medical Freedoms
Prepare yourself for an electrifying journey with Dr. Simone Gold, the fearless warrior in the battle against COVID-19 misinformation. In a world filled with disinformation and corporate medical propaganda, Dr. Gold stands as the beacon of common sense and scientific clarity. An attorney and a doctor, she unveils the shocking truths hidden behind the curtains of the medical establishment.
Join the riveting experience as Dr. Simone Gold takes the stage, revealing the turbulent twists and turns in the fight against Big Pharma and the CDC. The drama unfolds with allegations of defamation, smear campaigns, and a relentless pursuit of the truth. Brace yourselves for a deep dive into the heart of America's Frontline Doctors, where the fight is not just against a medical organization but a battle for the very soul of healthcare.
Dr. Gold exposes the medical industrial complex, labeling it a "barrel of sewage" that needs draining. She unveils a revolutionary solution – Gold Care – a new wine skin for a new era of healthcare. In a rallying cry, she urges you to stand up against a corrupted system, reclaim your medical freedom, and join the movement to save the nation. This is not just a presentation; it's a call to arms, a journey from darkness to enlightenment, and an invitation to be part of the change. Are you ready to stand with Dr. Simone Gold and drain the science swamp? The revolution begins now!
General Flynn & Clay Clark's ReAwaken America Tour Miami - Day 2
– May 13, 2023
The entire event (10+ hours long) can be seen here:
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We have separated out this video in order to help people who don’t have the time to watch the entire event, which is many hours long. We would appreciate if you would subscribe to “The Church of What’s Happenin’ Now” channel here on Rumble, and if you like prophetic news, visit our website at:
ReAwaken America Tour Featured / Past Speakers Include:
General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Robert F. Kennedy, Texas Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton, Charlie Kirk, Chad Prather, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ian Smith, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Owen Schroyer, Melissa Tate, Trump-Attorney Jenna Ellis, Dave Scarlett, Senator Wendy Rogers, Doctor Richard Bartlett, Gene Ho, Patrick Byrne, Scott McCay, Anna Khait, Sam Sorbo, Doctor Mark Sherwood, Attorney Thomas Renz, Doctor Stella Emmanuel, Attorney Leigh Dundas, Doctor Jim Meehan, Sheriff Vic Regalado, Joey Gilbert, Doctor Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor Rob Marsh, Leila Centner, Lori Gregory, Kevin Jenkins, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Steve Maxwell, Doctor Eric Nepute, Alfie Oakes, Sidney Powell, Doctor Alan Keyes, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Mike Provenzano, Doctor Shannon Kroner, Doctor Andy Wakefeld, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Amanda Grace, Doctor Cordie Williams, Pastor Mark Burns,etc.
Watch The ReAwaken America Documentary for FREE Today At:
Doctor Simone Gold | A Practical Plan to Fight for Your Freedoms In Your Own Life - Dr. Gold is America’s leading voice of common sense and scientific clarity in the fight against COVID-19 and the disinformation propaganda of the corporate medical establishment and mainstream media.
Full Transcript:
Okay, now ladies and gentlemen, our next presenter, Dr. Gold, is America's leading voice of common sense and scientific clarity in the fight against COVID-19 and disinformation propaganda of the corporate medical establishment. And she's sort of a very good friend of mine, a great researcher, she's an attorney and a doctor. I think you're gonna love her. Ladies and gentlemen, please stand to your feet and greet Dr. Simone Gold.
If there's somebody that came into your orb of information that you trusted—a pandemic whistleblower sabotaged from within—and then the defamation, and he's subjected me to, the board is aware of what they're doing—the frontline doctor who the national movement now smeared with claims of money and mansions—if there's any doubt as to who to believe and what to think, I will say this: They're paying themselves, and they're not paying the people who were doing the work. I said to myself, what is AFLDS without its people and without its vendors—despite overcoming medical industry corruption and even political imprisonment, she remains constantly in the cross-hairs—they're not fighting over America's Frontline Doctors, the organization; they're fighting over the bank account of America's Frontline Doctors... this needs to stop!—Deep dive to discover the truth: Did America's doctor her way—with all of this evidence stacked against him, why on earth would somebody think that they could get away with this kind of libel?—Always under fire... the revaluation of Dr. Simone Gold... Ladies and gentlemen, one more time, Dr. Simone Gold....
Thank you, thank you so much. As many of you have heard, we've had some very wild twists and turns at America's Frontline Doctors, right? But what would you expect from an organization that's been exposing Big Pharma and the CDC since 2020? And we refuse to quit in our mission to drain the science swamp. Yeah, here's a little memo from God's word in Proverbs: "For though the righteous falls seven times, they rise again. But the wicked stumble when calamity strikes." So yes, we had one of those seven setbacks recently, and some weak men and cowards have been slandering me and defaming AFLDS with all kinds of crazy lies and distortions. But the full story is coming out soon. Be sure to sign up at to get a first look at that film. It's got a lot of bombshell details there. So I share that with you because there's been a lot of questions, and we've got all the answers you're looking for.
Now, I turn to another matter. Who in this room had heard of America's Frontline Doctors before today? Amazing. And my next question is, during the lockdown years, who here has gone to AFLDS website for information? If you can indulge me, I'm going to do a series of questions. Will you please stand up if you've gone to our website for information? I've got a purpose in this. Thank you, please stay standing. Who here has gone to AFLDS website to find help for early treatment? Please, great. Please, thank you. And my next question, who here had a family member or friend go to the AFLDS site to find help for early treatment? Great, please. I'm glad you're standing. Has anyone here believes that AFLDS has saved your life or possibly saved your life or helped you heal better and faster? Yes, standing. Good.
The title of that film is "Always Under Fire" and is apropos. I'm having you stand for a reason. Just yesterday, last night, I received the following email from Time Magazine: "Dear Dr. Gold, I want to seek comment from you for a story I'm writing about the families of people who used AFLDS to seek drugs for COVID treatments and later died. I wanted to ask you for comment. Families I spoke with say their loved ones believed AFLDS's claims that taking drugs like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin was safer than getting vaccinated and then died as a result." This is from Time Magazine.
Now, look around the room, see how many people are standing, and remember my next words. They may call me a charlatan, but at least they recognize I exist. You don't exist at all to them. You are irrelevant. You are what they call mouth breathers. You are what they call useless eaters. You are wholly irrelevant. This Time writer doesn't think you exist. If she thinks you exist, she thinks you don't count. And if she thinks you count, she doesn't think you count as much as she does. Look around this room and sear these words into your brain. They may call me a charlatan, but at least they recognize I exist. If you don't start taking action now, you will cease to exist as a politically important sovereign individual with inalienable rights. The other side, Time writer, just sent this to me last night. The other side literally does not even see you. Why should they consider what an invisible non-person might think? Look around, all of you. Don't exist. Thank you for standing. Please get comfortable again.
Now, I just tweeted about this Time reporter, and it's pinned to the top of my tweet. If you're on Twitter, please respond to my tweet. Let Time know that you exist, that you are a real person. She's about to do an article basically claiming this is all lies. Thank you for doing that.
Now, are you ready to drain the science swamp, take your health and country back? If you are, we better get started, and we better get it right because there's zero margin for error. My message for you today is out with the old and in with the new. Out with the old and in with the new. Consider the proverb, you must. Many of you know this. And no one puts new wine into an old wineskin, for the new wine would burst the wineskins, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine must be stored in new wineskins.
What does this mean? Well, said another way, what do you have if you take a barrel full of wine and you spill in a teaspoon of sewage, of garbage, right? You have a barrel full of sewage. The reality is that the American healthcare system is a barrel of sewage. It is entirely corrupted. It will make you and keep you sick, not to mention broke. We need to get rid of it. I am not joking when I say drain the science swamp. We call this system the medical industrial complex. It is not an accidental spill. It is a bureaucratic empire that is strategically instituted socialism using a Trojan horse called health insurance.
Many of you are old enough to remember when Barack Obama said, "You can keep your doctor," right? Yeah, that was big government and Big Pharma colluding for socialism to take permanent hold of America. Big Pharma gets rich by turning you into their lifelong pharmaceutical-dependent customer, and the rest of us become worker bees to fund the MIC machine, which, by the way, doesn't care much if you live or die, quite possibly preferring the latter. At best, you don't exist, and at worst, you're preferably dead.
Now, you've come to know and trust that I would never flippantly make a statement about a bureaucratic empire of socialist control without data to back it up. Let me share just one scary example with you. So, it's a very specific example. There's thousands like this. For the first time ever in history, “pure-bloods” [unvaccinated] are now identifiable as a discrete and identifiable group by the government. There's something called the ICD-10 diagnostic coding system. This system, the government has required us to use it for at least 50 years, about 50 years. For the first time, the government has now set up a way to track people who choose not to get the COVID shot. There is now a specific diagnostic code doctors put in your chart if you choose not to take the shot. It's called code Z28.3. This is the code number for unvaccinated for COVID-19, excluding people with medical exemptions, meaning if you can't take it because your doctor says you're deathly allergic and you'll die if you take it, you don't use this code. It's a code only if you choose not to take the shot. Never in history have we ever had a situation like that. If you chose not to take the influenza shot, you chose not to take the measles shot, there was no code for it. So when you innocently go to your doctor, who you kind of feel in your heart maybe doesn't have your best interest at heart, but you know, whatever, you like, "I'm hearing my heart is okay, right?" Maybe they wanted you to take the shot, but you pushed back. They now have a diagnostic code that they either purposely or unwittingly add to your chart that tracks you forever. Is this going to be used for good? Yeah, yeah. That's the MIC, the medical industrial complex. You need to get out. There's many other examples. The MIC has made itself a false god. Science swamp creatures constantly promote prescription medications and exploit mental illness. Don't get me started on their willingly offering children gender mutilation surgery for cash. It's for cash.
And in the process, they unravel the individual and the family, which is a laudable goal if you're a communist. The MIC is evil, but the worst part is that it accounts for nearly 20 percent of our nation's economy. For comparison's sake, that's five times the size of our military budget. What can we do about it? It turns out, we can do a lot. The MIC is funded by you and I don't mean by your taxes, but by your voluntary payments. That means you can stop paying it. Out with the old, in with the new. We can't expect to put new wine in old wine skins and not get sewage. Each family in this room who has a health insurance policy is giving an average of twenty-four thousand dollars a year to fund the MIC. If you or your employer has bought health insurance, you are funding the MIC. The MIC has been very successful at convincing you that health insurance is like mother's milk. Until now, you've likely said, "Well, there's nothing I can do, there's nowhere else I can go." But that's so 2020. There's right. There's now a new wine skin. I know because I built it, along with an incredible team of Health Freedom Warriors, many of whom are here today. To solve the problem, the solution doesn't work unless you implement it. The problem doesn't improve unless you change it. Out with the old, in with the new requires you. I'm here to invite you and urge you: Health Care is out, Gold Care is in. I know this seems strange, a doctor telling you to distrust the only system you've ever known for handling sickness and life-threatening problems. But this system is truly a cancer. If you allow it to linger and remain, it will kill you. You must cut it out. The good news is, you can actually do this. It's affordable. It will save you money over the old MIC system and give you complete medical freedom and connect you with a God-fearing, wellness-seeking community and help us reclaim the battle to save our nation. We built a revolutionary new system that provides everything you need to make this change. The only thing we're missing is you. I've built Gold Care to be the way I know medicine can be, the way it was when my father practiced medicine, honorable and affordable. I myself left the MIC about 10 years ago. I'm giving you testimony that you can do it, and you must do it. Your monthly premiums are feeding the Beast that is killing our nation and quite literally has killed some of your family and will kill some of you in this room. For you specifically, the Gold Care team has done all the heavy lifting. We only ask you to take the small step of joining us. Please visit the Gold Care Booth right outside, and also I'll be at the Front Line Citizens Booth at 1:30 signing books if you want to stop by and say hello. My attitude is that you are the solution. It's what Michael Jackson said, "If you want to change the world, you must start with the man in the mirror." I have done my part, AFlds and Gold Care team have done their part. Each of you can do your part. I've invited, shortly, I've invited to the stage my colleague at AFlds and J6 co-defendant because I want to share with you an inspiring example of what one person can do to change the world. It's been me, it's you, it's John Strand. [Music] And great forces are on the move in the world. We learn, we're spirits, not animals. Something going on in time and space and beyond time and space. It spells Duty. You and I have the ability and the dignity and the right to make our own decisions and determine our own destiny. [Music] Thank you, Dr. Gold, for allowing me to share my story. [Applause] And thank you, every single one of you guys, for being here. Thank you to Clay Clark. You guys are all amazing. Keep up the fight, don't stop. So, my name is John Strand, and I've had the honor of these last several years serving alongside of Dr. Gold and working as the creative director for America's Frontline Doctors. Before working with AFlds, I was a professional artist from Los Angeles and New York City. I was blessed with God-fearing parents who taught me the real truths that mattered. I was passionate about many things, but especially music and media. I became a singer and songwriter, and then a fashion model and an actor in Hollywood. But then lockdowns brought my entire career to a screeching halt. Moreover, they seemed to end the capacity of most people to use their brains entirely, right? I found this very concerning. In fact, I found it to be a national existential crisis. I knew instantly that the COVID narrative was a lie, and I also knew where it was going. This was the beginning of the end of American Liberty. Now, I could have played it safe, but I'm not interested in safety. I'm interested in being obedient to God. [Applause] So instead of taking it easy until the government told me it was safe to live again, I took a different path, the one I believed God was calling me to. And that was the path of most resistance to tyranny. [Applause] Yes, you too. So I started resisting. I helped lead the Beverly Hills Freedom Rally in LA, and we got President Trump to tweet our rally to the entire country. We even got Dr. Gold to show up. And so, of course, I accepted her invitation at that time to help her in the Frontline mission, to speak the truth and to slow the spread of propaganda. Now, she didn't exactly warn me about the FBI SWAT team raids and federal prison, but like I said, I wasn't interested in the safe route. Still, it was obviously a shock to all of us when, after doing nothing except our jobs on January 6th, we were attacked by the government like violent criminals, charged with a 20-year prison felony and a side of four misdemeanors. Now, to be clear, Dr. Gold was a scheduled speaker at a rally with a government-approved permit, and I was her professional security detail. I knew exactly what I did that day and what I did not do. I knew I was 100% completely innocent of any crimes. [Applause] Thank you. But I also knew the system was corrupt. I knew the regime hated me and the values that I stand for, and I knew they would convict me anyway. And I think many of you here probably don't have an experience to compare this to exactly, but I want to ask you a serious question. If you were innocent and your government charged you with a 20-year felony but offered you a single misdemeanor plea deal, would you take the deal? It's so easy. All you have to do is publicly testify and sign your life to a sworn statement that agrees with the government's lie about what happened. In exchange, you get the potential prison time reduced from 24 years to a month or two. But it would be a lie. It would be a bended knee to tyranny. I'm sure you know the story of Daniel facing the lion's den. I've always loved the story of this countryman, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Yeah. Now, the king of Babylon had built an impressive statue of himself and then told the entire kingdom that they were all invited to a huge party, you know, like a rally. And when they heard the music play, everyone, without exception, had to bow down to the statue, just bend the knee, and everything is fine. You'll be safe. Only problem is, God did not call Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to bend the knee to the government. And so, they remained standing. And that was the very first insurrection, [Applause] right? But no, really, they defied the mandate. The king was so furious, he screamed at his guards to turn up the temperature of his fiery furnace seven times hotter. It got so hot that the guards were killed just from standing next to it. Now, while we know how this story ends, those guys were living it. They did not know if God was going to spare them the pain of that fire. They had no idea if they would survive. In fact, I'm guessing they thought they were probably cooked. But what I know for sure is they did not play it safe. They did not take the easy road. They took the righteous road. [Applause] Now, Dr. Gold has an exciting new book coming out just as soon as we can finish writing it. It's almost here, I promise. It describes a legal term called “selective prosecution", in other words, when the government fails to treat citizens equally under the law, when it prosecutes some but not others. But I've noticed a sort of mirrored problem happening in our culture, a selective righteousness. If we only do the right thing when it's safe, when it's easy, when it doesn't hurt too much, are we really doing what's right? How righteous are we if we only make the right choice when it's FDA approved? What would have happened if a few good men had just said no when governments and employers told them to just follow the science or it's for your safety or it's just our policy?
These last few years, everyone in this room has faced a moment when, when they either complied or defied. I know it seems irrational to stand on principle against the corrupt government, staring down the barrel of a 20-year felony when a simple sidestep would have taken away most of the pain. But I want you all to know, in this room and hearing me right now, it wasn't hard for me to make that choice. It hardly seemed a choice at all because I already made my choice years ago when I gave my life to Yeshua, [Applause] to Jesus the Christ, and dedicated my life on Earth to serving him and building God's kingdom, not the government's. [Applause] So, I rejected the plea. The offer was a fraud, and selective righteousness was not the solution. In fact, it was the problem. So, in September 2022, I gave the truth on the witness stand. For that, I'm grateful, and I pray God will use that for his glory. [Applause] Thank you.
On September 27th, the D.C. jury, certainly not my peers in any way, had clearly decided I was guilty before I even got there, and their conviction on all five counts was a foregone conclusion. It's an interesting thing standing in a courtroom and hearing that word "guilty" said to you when you know you're not guilty and the thought of committing a crime has never even crossed your mind. I faced more than 20 years of prison for those charges. In fact, the federal prosecutor is pushing for at least eight levels of sentencing enhancements. This... this is what led Matthew Perna to his tragic, tragic, avoidable death. His aunt Geri Perna, is a dear friend, please continue to support her. And in my case, the DOJ filed the report pushing the judge to sentence me to over seven years. That's what they actually want to sentence me to. I did nothing on January 6, except protect Dr. Gold with zero violence, and they want to put me in prison for seven years.
I'll ask you a question posed by Henry David Thoreau: "Unjust laws exist, but shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them?" My sentencing is scheduled in Washington, D.C. on June 1st. That's like a couple weeks. The day before, on May 31st, we'll be holding a Zoom prayer vigil to invite God to intervene and work a miracle. [Applause]
I want to ask every single one of you, to please visit and sign up to participate in that Zoom prayer vigil. And if you want to endeavor to amend the unjust laws, the government corruption, and weaponization, if you believe this is serious and it requires your effort and sacrifice to save this nation, will you stand and pray with me right now? You'll know this prayer: "Our Father, Who Art in Heaven, holy is your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. To God be the glory forever. Thank you, guys, so much. God bless you." [Applause]
May 13th 2023 – Saturday
5:00 AM – Check-In Begins
5:30 AM – Sound Check
6:00 AM – Doors Open for Seating
7:00 AM – 7:40 AM – Praise And Worship Begins Lead Matt Gilman, Whitney Medina, Drew Medina and the Influence Praise and Worship Team
Learn More About Influence Music Today:
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7:40 AM – 8:00 AM – Video Presentation – Countdown to Conference Kickoff
8:00 AM – 8:10 AM – Opening Prayer by Pastor Dave Scarlett of HIS Glory Ministries
Biography – Pastor Dave Scarlett is the founder of HIS Glory Ministries and – CONFIRMED
8:10 AM – 8:15 AM – Tonia Joy Gibson | Sings the National Anthem
Biography – Tania Joy Gibson is a professionally trained singer and actress. She was Miss America Teen 1993 and Miss Illinois 1996, competing for Miss America 1997. She now hosts Beauty for Ashes, a conservative talk show focusing on exposing how the enemy has been using the entertainment industry to infiltrate culture, steal generations, and push the deep state’s narrative.
Learn More Today At: www.TaniaJoy.TV
8:15 AM – 8:25 AM – General Flynn Leads Us In the Pledge of Allegiance
Biography – General Flynn is a retired lieutenant general who served in the U.S. Army who spent 30+ years serving in the military to protect Americans from all enemies of freedom both foreign and domestic before being named as 25th U.S. National Security Advisor under President Donald J. Trump.
Learn More At:
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8:25 AM – 8:45 AM – Julie Green | God Is Not Done with America Yet
Biography – Julie Green Ministries exists to transform lives through God’s unconditional love, His Word, and the hope that comes from a personal relationship with Him.
Learn More Today About Julie Green Ministries HERE:
8:45 AM – 9:00 AM – John Chambers | “Fight For What’s Right”
Biography – John Michael Chambers is the creator and founder of American Media Periscope, an online digital news network. Periscope has interviewed such patriot guests as General Michael Flynn, Sydney Powell, Kash Patel, Dr. Judy Mikovitz and many other speakers featured on the ReAwaken America Tour. Learn More Today At:
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM – Bo Polny | The Future of Fiat Currency
Biography – Bo Polny, based out of Newport Beach, California, is a prominent and experienced cycles timing analyst in the Gold, Silver and Cryptocurrency markets. He is the founder and face behind Gold 2020 Forecast on YouTube where his videos currently have over 5 million views. Bo has been featured on network television shows and the like, including CNBC Crypto Trader,, USA, and has been a featured speaker at dozens of industry conferences all over the world.
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM – Jovan Pulitzer | Election Integrity Con – Why We Fail to Get Prosecutions
Biography – Jovan Pulitzer is a top American inventor and forensic election investigator.
9:30 AM – 9:45 AM – Pastor Bill Cook | Why Now Is the Time for America’s Churches to Rise Up And to Protect Our God-Given Rights
Biography – Reverend Bill Cook, the founder of America’s Black Robe Regiment, a national association of pastors fighting to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity (with growing chapters now in 20 states). Goal: Chapters in all 50 by 2024.
9:45 AM – 10:00 AM – Alex Newman | Stopping Evil by Rescuing Our Children
Biography – Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. He writes for leading publications in the United States and worldwide and hosts a number of shows including Liberty Hour and Focal Point on AMP, The Sentinel Report on Lindell TV/Frank Speech, and Conversations That Matter for The New American magazine. He also serves as CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media.
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM – Lori Gregory | Confessions of an Ex-Liberal | How to Save Our Children & Our Nation
Biography – Lori Gregory MBA is a former Wall Street executive for pharma and biotech who learned the truth about vaccines when she became a mom at 45. She is now an independent consultant fighting for the preservation of our nation and is a 4th generation journalist who has produced 2 films with Dr. Andy Wakefield. She is here to talk about how we can save our children and our nation, and to announce her exciting new skincare line, Biblical Beauty, please welcome…
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM – Christie Hutcherson – The Enemies
Biography – Mrs. Christie Hutcherson is the founder / lead voice of Women Fighting for America (WFFA). WFFA was birthed to promote the truth about the Judeo-Christian foundations of Government in American to educate without bias, to protect the Constitution and provide a platform to spread the truth.
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM – Jim Meehan, MD | How to Fight Back Against Medical Corruption
Biography – Leading Oklahoma medical Doctor who has successfully treated 4,000 COVID-19 patients with 0 deaths.
11:00 AM – 11:15 AM – Debbie G | What Is Actually Going On In America Today?
Biography – Debbie Georgatos hosts the conservative talk show America, Can We Talk?. She is a public speaker, author, past Fox News Radio national political analyst, and former California labor/employment litigation attorney. The mission of her book, Ladies, Can We Talk? and her show America, Can We Talk? is to inspire more Americans to actively embrace American-style liberty, protect America’s exceptional nature, and claim their place in the American political conversation.
11:15 AM – 11:45 AM – Doctor Simone Gold | A Practical Plan to Fight for Your Freedoms In Your Own Life
Biography – Dr. Gold is America’s leading voice of common sense and scientific clarity in the fight against COVID-19 and the disinformation propaganda of the corporate medical establishment and mainstream media.
11:45 PM – 12:00 PM – Roger Stone | The Forward to Save Our Republic
Biography – Biography – After surviving a massive attack from the DEEP STATE. Roger Stone recently committed his life to Jesus Christ and is here to share with you his plan to help save America from the Marxists and Globalists who seek to destroy it.
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM – Dr. Jane Ruby | What’s Inside the COVID-19 Vaccines?
Biography – Dr. Jane Ruby is a medical professional and a pharmaceutical drug development expert with over 20 years of experience in regulatory processes for drug approval with the FDA and the EMA. She is also a published international health economist who has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows across America.
12:15 PM – 12:30 PM – Dr. Judy Mikovits | Exposing the Plague of Corruption and How to Fight Back
Biography – Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, is a scientist, researcher and previously the research director at the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI).
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM – Sheila Holm | What Is Going On In Georgia? | Georgia Guidestones Affects Upon America and the World
Biography – Sheila Holm an author who has traveled globally and all across America with God for more than 30 years on His dime and been given the nickname of Georgia Guidestones gal!
12:45 PM – 1:00 PM – Mary Grace | Five Smooth Stones: A Love Story
Biography – Mary Grace is the owner and founder of the Mary Grace Media Network and the host of GraceTime TV. An independent journalist and commentator, dynamic public speaker, accomplished vocalist, songwriter, and entrepreneur, Mary Grace’s broad experiences here and around the globe influence her perspective on politics, culture, faith, and world events. Mary Grace is a gifted teacher and motivator who inspires her audience to take action and rise to God’s calling and destiny on their lives.
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM – Dr. Stella Immanuel | Are We Living Through Revelation?
Biography – Doctor Stella Immanuel is an Outspoken Jesus-loving Christian, and a front-line doctor who has taken care of over 35,000 patients.
1:15 PM – 1:30 PM – Doctor Bryan Ardis
Biography – Doctor Bryan Ardis is an entrepreneur, a chiropractor, acupuncturist and a nutritionist.
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM – Matthew Skow & Nicholas Stumphauzer – Directors of Died Suddenly
Biography – Matthew Skow is an award winning documentary director, editor and cinematographer. He is known for his feature Omo Child, his docuseries Sacrificing Liberty, and The Greatest Reset. His work explores intense and often harrowing subjects, and is always firmly rooted in his relationship with Christ and an ardent pursuit of objective truth.
Nicholas Stumphauzer is an award winning filmmaker from Michigan. He produced his first feature documentary at age 19 entitled How to Kill 14 People without Saying a Word, which demonstrated the perils of suppressing free speech. In 2022, he released Watch the Water on the Stew Peters Network which took the world by storm, garnering controversy from The Gateway Pundit, Joe Rogan, and the World Health Organization.
1:45 PM – 2:00 PM – Alfie Oakes | How to Use Your Business to Fight Back Against Tyranny
Biography – Alfie Oakes grew up poor and grew his business Oakes Farms to now employ 3,000 + employees and now he is fighting back against mask mandates, government lockdowns and the Marxist agenda.
2:00 PM – 2:15 PM – Jeff Dornik | Is There Any End In Sight for Big Tech Censorship?
Biography – Jeff Dornik is the CEO of the tech company PickAx, as well as the co-founder of Freedom First Network and the host of The Jeff Dornik Show. His new book Following the Leader is currently available for pre-order at
2:15 PM – 2:30 PM – Jason Scoop (Trump Impersonator)
Biography – Comedian Jason Scoop as President Donald J. Trump Stand Up Comedian, podcaster & voice actor & winner of Dana Carvey’s First Impression’s on USA.
2:45 AM – 3:00 PM – Patrick Byrne | The Truth Will Set Us Free
Biography – Ernst & Young National Entrepreneur of the Year 2011, founder of, Phd, Marshall Scholar and avid fan of the Grateful Dead.
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM – Doug Billings | Will We Stop the Great Reset?
Biography – The host of the Right Side Show and man who Glenn Beck and General Flynn have referred to as the next Rush Limbaugh.
3:15 PM – 3:45 PM – Liz Crokin | Jeffrey Epstein 101
Biography – Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, an independent investigative journalist and a documentary film producer best known for her relentless work exposing sex trafficking.
3:45 PM – 4:00 PM – Jason Dean | Why Does the World Economic Forum Want to Connect Your Brain to AI?
Biography – Doctor Jason Dean is the founder of Dr. Jason Dean of Brave TV.
4:00 PM – 4:15 PM – Always On the Grind Prime Time 99 Alex Stein
Biography – Alex Stein is the host of the BlazeTV show Prime Time with Alex Stein and a man who has the guts to confront the globalists directly and to their face.
4:15 PM – 4:30 PM – Sam Sorbo | Winning the War Starts with Education
Biography – Sam Sorbo is an award-winning filmmaker, best-selling author, international speaker and education freedom advocate. Currently, she focuses on training parents to educate their own children.
4:30 PM – 4:45 PM – Matthew Whitaker
Biography – Matthew George Whitaker is an American lawyer, lobbyist and politician who served as the acting United States Attorney General from November 7, 2018, to February 14, 2019. He was appointed to that position by President Donald Trump after Jeff Sessions resigned at Trump’s request.
4:45 PM – 5:00 PM – Ann Vandersteel | What Is the Real State of the Union And What Can Be Done About It?
Biography – Anne Vandersteel is an investigative journalist, the host of the SteelTruth Show and woman who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to help me organize this event.
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM – Jim Breuer | Someone Had to Say It. Common Sense COVID-19 Comedy
Biography – Jim Breuer joined the cast of Saturday Night Live from 1995 to 1998 and has since become one of the top touring Stand up comedians in America, he’s a dedicated Family Man & has decided to not perform at any venues that require the RNA-modifying nano-technology COVID-19 vaccines.
Learn More At:
5:30 PM – 5:45 PM – Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller | Where Are We At In the Biblical Timeline?
Biography – Co-founder of Influence Church in Anaheim California and which is one of the leading Christ-centered news websites in America
5:45 PM – 6:15 PM – General Flynn | Evil Exists And It Must Be Stopped + Why Local Action Makes a National Impact
Biography – General Flynn is a retired lieutenant general who served in the U.S. Army who spent 30+ years serving in the military to protect Americans from all enemies of freedom both foreign and domestic before being named as 25th U.S. National Security Advisor under President Donald J. Trump.
Learn More At:
Learn More At:
6:15 PM – Break for Guests to Leave the Ballroom Who Are Not Going to Be Watching Plandemic 3
Biography – Learn more today at:
**Help securing a small ballroom for a post screening event for sales, extended Q&A with Mikki and others in the film with food and drinks available.
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM – Mikki Willis – Unveiling / World Premier of Plandemic 3
8:00 PM (Eastern) / 7:00 PM Central – Streaming TRUMP Rally LIVE from Iowa
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