ApocTober: Choose Your Own Apocalypse – Around the Hearth 2023

1 year ago

“You know vampire squirrels are a very real thing.”
~ Skrat

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00:00 Welcome and Chat Topic
00:20 Announcements
05:44 Levi's Spotlight: @gelatinousrube
07:43 Surprise Shout Out = Jacob’s Maps and More: Rat Pack Plague
09:18 Definitions, Terms, & Concepts
12:01 True, Or Narrative Apocalypse?
14:56 Apocalypse Hopping?
16:54 Scope, Prevention, & Type
23:50 Running An Apocalypse
26:56 Almost Every Setting Is Post-Apocalyptic
30:54 Final Thoughts
45:42 Outro
46:01 Bloopers and Outtakes

Hotel California (Medieval Style) from Grim MeeP YT channel by Cornelius Link
The Friendly Arms Inn from Baldur’s Gate (PC)
Menu from Apocalyptica (PC)
Is It Too Late by White Bat Audio (Album)
Apocalymon from Digimon World 4 (PS2)
Alucard’s Cave from Castlevania III Dracula’s Curse (NES)
Snake Remains Chamber from Chrono Cross (PSX)
Dungeon in the Desert from The Legend of Legacy (DS/3DS)
Mugen Noh 2 from Sengoku (Neo Geo/CD)
Crashed Frigate Entrance from Metroid Prime (Gamecube)
The Land of Karamoon from Shadow of the Beast II (Amiga)
Vats of Goo from Fallout 2 (PC)
Maenam from Braid (XBox360)
The Cursed Ship Queen Mary – After Disembarking from Sorcerian (PC88)
Infinite Perspective by Kevin Macleod (Album)
Bonus from Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (SNES)

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