Threat to online media from Labour party linked censorship group?

1 year ago

Alternative media could face discrimination if online censorship groups like this one with links to Starmer's Labour prosper.
Right, so censorship and the battle against online misinformation is something we’ve seen a lot of in the news, particularly that coming from alternative media, chiefly because they’re the ones often being targeted by such things, along with the platforms that host them, but one of the most prevalent online media censorship groups globally and notably it’s CEO have direct ties to MP’s and even shadow ministers within Keir Starmer’s Labour as well as the Conservative Party as well and not least of which accusations of taking cash in return for pushing censorship. What does that say about it? What danger does that present to those of us trying to get the truth out that our mainstream media need not worry about with their own platforms? Alternative media has sprung into being and been thrust into relevance because it challenges the old establishment friendly media outlets owned by the Rupert Murdoch’s of this world, it offers insight into stories that don’t often get told and it is particularly telling that it is one such alternative outlet that has broken this story because we need to fight this, or face a world where we’re dumbed down again, with only selected voices being chosen to report what they consider passes for news.
Right, so let’s begin with this online censorship group then, you may have heard of them, you may not have, but they’re called the Center for Countering Digital Hate, the CCDH and they came into being coming up on 5 years ago here in the UK as a campaign group to counter, exactly what it says on the tin, digital hate, or what passes for it in their view. They campaign for social media platforms chiefly, but other big tech firms too to stop providing services to those who promote hate and disinformation and from that perspective alone it seems like a perfectly fine goal, we know neo nazis and anti-vaxxers and the like use social media to promote their ideas and campaigning for the likes of Facebook and Twitter to not permit such things to continue is entirely reasonable, we don’t want to live in a world where such things are promoted do we? Or if you’re watching this and you do, boy, you’re going to hate this channel, turn away now. The trouble is, such entities are also inherently political and when politics comes into it such an organisation may end up being weaponised against those trying to tell a few home truths getting turned on and when you consider the track record of the CCDH’s CEO, this is something that becomes very relevant indeed. The CCDH was started up by a chap called Imran Ahmed.


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