Countdown to the RAPTURE: 2023 vs 2024

1 year ago

To watch the series referenced in this video, please use the link below (Part 2 would be a good place to start if you want to get into the important details):

In this video, we continue to count down the days until the RAPTURE happens!

As you know, the RAPTURE is coming soon. In this video, we look at a 2023 vs 2024 RAPTURE! In this countdown video, we're sharing insights and news about the RAPTURE, including information about the upcoming solar and lunar eclipses that are of great prophetic significance. So make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay updated on all the latest Rapture news!

A very important series about the Harvest and Temple model and how these relate to the First Resurrection mentioned in Revelation 20 can be viewed at the link below:

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Odysee: (This is the best it would seem as all my videos can be found here and will be synced once uploaded to YouTube:)



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predictive programming, rapture 2023, October 23, rapture, virgo, the rapture, the rapture date, 239 in media, the rapture, virgo tarot, predictive programming, October 23, 23 October, the rapture, last days, end times

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