If This Country Is Going Down, I Am Going Down Fighting.

1 year ago

Reporter: If you were to move forward. If there were to be any kind of agreement, what would that look like and what would you need to see from the Speaker at this moment?

Rep. Matt Gaetz: I think the die is cast based on the motion I just filed. I think the time for that discussion would have been over the last several weeks, but instead we, we saw the speaker continuing, I mean, the speaker did not just fail to remediate the breach of the agreement he made with us in January, he accelerated the instances of preach.

Like after I laid out the breach, he went violated the 72 hours rule. After I laid out the breach, he violated the hundred million no Amendment suspension rule. So he seems to be reverting to the very unfortunate muscle memory of Washington DC that has put our nation on top of 33 trillion dollar debt, that has led to two trillion dollar annual deficits in our near future, and the rapid global dedollarisation of the economy.

You look at the BRICS system, you know, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, they're moving away from the dollar, and just in August they added six new countries, including G20 economies in the Western Hemisphere and Gulf monarchies. Moreover you've seen , you saw U.S. news say that the number one economic trend of 2023 is the dedollarization globally.

This worries me. You all get all worked up that there's going to be some uncomfortable, chaotic moment that I'll feel pressure from conservatives or democrats or whomever.

I feel the Judgment of History. I feel the weight of that. I'm worried that when the history books are written about this country going down, that my name is going to be on the board of directors here. And if this country is going down, and if we're losing the dollar, I am going down fighting. And I don't care if that means fighting Republicans, Democrats, the uniparty, the leadership, the PACs, the lobbyists. I've had it.

I've been here seven years. We don't have a budget. We haven't had one since the mid-90s. I am through with it. I apologize for using that word, but the only path forward here is to have single subject spending bills that can be reviewed, amended, considered, and I think that is the responsible way that our legislatures all over this country operate for good reasons. ~ Rep. Matt Gaetz

House of Representatives, 10/02/23

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