Silent War Ep. 6343: Texas:America's Rape Dungeons, Edible Vax, Airdrop Rabies, RFK Jr, Insurrection

1 year ago

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Is The US Military Laying The Groundwork To Reinstitute The Draft?

Twitter’s WEF-Linked CEO Boasts of ‘Successfully’ Censoring ‘Lawful but Awful’ Speech.

Tennessee Will Airdrop Vaccines from Helicopters and Small Planes to Combat Spread of Rabies.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Responds to an Angry Democrat CSPAN Caller Who Labels Him a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ with Facts.

Democrat Squad Member Jamaal Bowman Hurled Emergency Exit Signs on Floor Before Pulling Nearby Fire Alarm – a Dangerous Criminal Act – WHERE IS THE DOJ?

HORRIFYING: Rep. Thomas Massie Exposes Taxpayer-Funded “Transgenic Edible Vaccines” Which Turns Edible Plants Like Lettuce and Spinach Into mRNA Vaccine Factories to Replace mRNA Shots (VIDEO).

Jew’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them – Not Making Headlines.

Parents, Teachers Start Winning Court Battles Against Secret Gender Transition Policies

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