Bible Mysteries Podcast - PREVIEW - The Millennial Reign of Christ - Restoration

1 year ago

Bible Mysteries Podcast - PREVIEW - The Millennial Reign of Christ - Restoration

Show Notes

When the Lord Jesus Christ returns, it is the end of the world as we know it, but the beginning of His millennial reign on earth. For 1,000 years, humanity will witness an age of peace and righteousness only dreamed of, and it will be a foretaste of the new heaven and new earth. In this series, we will explore what the Scriptures say about the Kingdom of Heaven and the 1,000-year reign of Christ on earth, continuing with the restoration of Israel.

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All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Joel 2:21-27, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Ezekiel 37:21-28, Ezekiel 36:21-36, Acts 3:19-23, Romans 5:6-11 (I referenced the passage but incorrectly cited Romans 6!)

I use a Tyndale large print King James Bible that can be found here:

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The times of restitution refer the the prophesied restoration of Israel. This is what Israel had been hoping for since the Exodus. The Lord washes Israel clean of their iniquities. This is the final atonement when Israel’s sins are blotted out. They have remission until the forgiveness is applied. This is not so for the Church in the dispensation of grace; they have already received the atonement.

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