Executioner of truth – first class documentary movie

1 year ago

Whoever would like to change the world for the better, but - as a seemingly powerless individual - does not know how to help, should not miss the opportunity to spread the link to the following documentary, as much as possible. Positive changes in world history always began to come about where the worldwide community had received sufficient convincing insight into the causes of its own destruction. Now we still have the possibilities with mail, DVD-technology and the Internet which allow us as individuals the opportunity to spread such informative films almost unlimitedly. So we as individuals, are not at all powerless. By spreading the following information and knowledge you can overcome your personal helplessness. The circles which are exposed in the following documentary realized in horror that this is happening, so for years they have been working on their plan to end your freedom of information and freedom of speech as soon as possible. Use the time and possibilities left and spread revealing information as extensively as possible.

from is.
Thrive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pRfGVHU_Qg

Confirming testimony of an ex-friend of Rockefeller https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=YN12PMKzjEo

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